
Friday, July 29, 2011


Coconut water is a clear liquid with what 
some describe a nut-flavor. For Southeast 
Asian nations, who also harvest coconuts
for their flesh, oil, and milk, coconut water
has long been a prevalent staple. 
 In Central America, coconut water is called “agua de pipa” or “water pipe.” Coconut water,
a nutritious, natural drink, is one of the highest sources of electrolytes known to man.
Coconut water is the clear liquid inside young coconuts (fruits of the coconut palm).
For thousands of years, coconut water has benefited people around the world. 
Now, because coconut water can be bottled 
at the source, you can enjoy this all natural beverage almost anywhere, anytime.
Coconut water provides essential nutrients
that promote internal health as well as healthy skin, hair, and nails.
As the fruit matures, the coconut water is gradually replaced by the coconut meat and 
air . A very young coconut has very little meat; the meat it does have is very tender, almost a gel.
Coconut water has long been a popular drink
in the tropics, especially in Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands such as Hawaii, Africa and the Caribbean, where it is available fresh, canned, or bottled.
It is a naturally refreshing drink full of electrolytes that can also be considered free 
of fat and cholesterol, coconut water has been marketed as a sports drink.
Fresh coconuts for drinking are typically harvested off the tree while they are green.
A hole may be bored into the coconut to provide access to the liquid and meat.
Coconut water has many health benefits like keeps the body cool, rehydrates the body,
helps detox and also helps in weight loss.
One of coconut water’s greatest nutrition 
facts may be its enormous amount of 
potassium. Potassium is an electrolyte that promotes healthy kidney, heart, and overall cellular function.
Coconut water is considered a super hydrating beverage because it is rich in potassium and other essential electrolytes, including:  Sodium,  Chloride, Magnesium,  Calcium and  Phosphate.
Coconut water is naturally fat-free and low in calories.
The sugar in coconut water is all natural fruit sugar. 
Coconut water can be enjoyed as it will  
benefit each and every time you exercise.


  1. wow, thanks for explaining all that. Of course, I like coconut water, but never knew all the good reasons :)
