
Sunday, November 13, 2011

How to select fruits n veggies....

How to select fruits n veggies....
One of the best tips for choosing veggies and fruit is to know what is in season…
Summer vegetables are watery in nature. Due to the high heat levels, summer fruits and vegetables provide for natural water content to prevent dehydration. Winter vegetables are mostly sweet and filling. Monsoon foods are more on the sweeter and citric side.
If fruits n vegetables  that comes from further away, it is likely that it is not so fresh…
Smell  and feel the food to discover how old it is. You do not have to taste food to get a good idea of if it is ‘ fresh ‘ . Vegetables are crisp for a while after harvesting , before they go soft or mushy. You can see and feel how old or fresh  the veggies are. The fresh fruits and veggies look better.
Always look for bright colored apples and which do not have  any  bruises. Store in the refrigerator in a plastic bag.    
Buy crisp Beans, don't buy bumpy beans as  they will be tough.
Buy Bananas that  are firm and yellow and they should  not have any dark bruises.   
Buy carrots that Medium sized are the best.  
Beetroot that have a firm and round shape. And have a smooth surface and rich red  color.
Buy garlic that  is plump with firm bulbs. .
Cucumber should be green, straight, and of medium-size…
Buy  Pineapples should have large eyes...
Buy Peaches that feel heavy for their size..
Select cherries that are plump, have glossy skins...
Vegetable if  are wrapped in a news paper or  in aluminum foil when storing. 
Refrigerated if wish to keep fresh for a longer time.
Buy fresh fruits n veggies  or Use within a few days.
Storage Tips for Apples..
Apples will store  crisp n  fresh then  store them out of direct sunlight, either directly on the table top, in an uncovered bowl, or inside a  plastic bag.
Always remember :  Fruits and vegetables give off an odorless, harmless and tasteless gas called ethylene after they're picked.
All fruits and vegetables produce it, but some foods produce it in greater quantities.
This  gas will speed up the ripening process of the other produce. Use this to your advantage if you want to speed up the ripening process of an unripe fruit, for example, by putting an apple in a bag with an unripe avocado.
Vegetables and fruits are clearly an important part of a good diet.
Eating a variety is as important as quantity.

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