
Sunday, July 8, 2012

What is it:
"Kombucha is alternately known as a Chinese tea, a plant, or a mushroom. But it's not really any of these. It's a living culture of beneficial microorganisms, and in Kombucha's case, the whole is infinitely greater than the sum of its parts! 

It is fermented for 30 days. During this period, essential nutrients form like active enzymes, viable probiotics, amino acids, antioxidants and polyphenols. All of these combine to create an elixir that immediately works with the body to restore balance and vitality. Kombucha has been used for hundreds of years throughout the world as a daily health tonic. The culture resembles a light brown, tough, gelatinous disk and because it's a living, growing entity, it can regenerate and create new cultures with every batch."
What Can it do for you:
"Kombucha is not a supplement, drug, or medicine.

It is simply a super healthy food that helps the body to find 
(or regain) its natural balance in the body, which promotes overall well being. Just like regular exercise, Kombucha is something that supports a healthy lifestyle. 
When the body is healthier, its natural defenses are stronger.
Kombucha has an “adaptogenic” ability that gives it a reputation for its widespread health properties. Its adaptogen effect is seen mostly through its influence on the liver, the blood and the digestive system, where it normalizes the acidity or pH. Metabolic balancing and detoxification is perhaps the most important function of Kombucha." To put it in simple terms, Kombucha will make you feel good.

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