
Monday, December 31, 2012

Curry leaves are....

Curry leaves are one of the signature spices of Indian cuisine. The flavorful leaves, which grow on shrubs common throughout the southern and western part of India, are traditionally chopped, fried and added to a variety of soups, stews and sauces. Curry leaves are a rich source of Vitamin A and calcium, and traditional Indian medicine has used the leaves as a treatment for many common health problems.
Read more: Curry Leaf Uses | eHow.com

Curry leaves comes from the curry tree, grown in the warm climates of India. Curry leaves are an essential spice in Indian cooking, and are also known for a variety of healing properties and medicinal uses. The leaves work as a tonic within the body, stimulating the digestive system, and improving the quality of digestive enzymes and fluids that break food down more easily.
Read more: Medicinal Use of Curry Leaves | 


Curry leaves can also help get rid of indigestion and heart burn. Pour a small glass of cold water, add in a few drops of honey or lime juice, and add 1/2 teaspoon of crushed curry leaves. Drink this when you begin to experience indigestion or heart burn symptoms, or drink it with a meal that typically leads to indigestion or heart burn. Meals that are most commonly associated with heartburn include spicy and greasy foods, and foods high in acid such as tomato sauce or pizza.
Read more: Medicinal Use of Curry Leaves | eHow.com

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