
Friday, March 29, 2013

The Bounty Milkshake

This Summer make this Milkshake 4 your kids..
The Bounty Milkshake.
Makes two tall glasses.
For the shake ...
1 Bar of Bounty chocolate, 
1 1\2 Cup Chilled Milk [ no cream pls],
1 Tbsp Powdered Sugar,
1 Tbsp Chocolate sauce,
Few Ice cubes,
1 Scoop of Vanilla ice cream.
Top it up with
1- 2 spoons of vanilla ice cream and grated chocolate n drizzle inside the glass little chocolate sauce.
Take the bounty chocolate bar n grate half n melt the other half.
Put all the milkshake ingredients in a mixer jar and blend well.
Before pouring in a tall glass first drizzle some chocolate sauce inside the glass.
Now pour the milkshake and garnish on top with grated chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

Roasted Saunf with Supari

Roasted Saunf with Supari
1 Cup Kesari Laccha or also called Sali Supari.
Roast the Fennel ..
2 1\2 Cup Saunf | Fennel,
3 - 4 Tbsp Water to sprinkle,
2 - 3 Pinch of Turmeric powder,
Salt to taste.
Put the saunf [ raw ] in a thick bottom pan or kadai.
Now sprinkle water on the saunf to moist it.
Also sprinkle salt as per taste n turmeric powder.
Mix well by rubbing with palms.
Put on heat and stir continuously.
Check the heat rather control it by making it low heat or low flame in between.
See to it that the saunf roast well rather then burning at the base.
Stir continuously, the color will change because of turmeric powder it will start to appear

When you feel that the water added has evaporated and
stirring becomes light it is done.
Take it out in a bowl so that no further cooking continues.
Allow to cool then add the sali or laccha supari and give it a nice mix.
Store in an air tight container..

Choline is a

Choline is a water-soluble essential nutrient. 
It is usually grouped within the B-complex vitamins.
Choline must be consumed through the diet for the body to remain healthy.
Choline was discovered by Adolph Strecker in 1864 and chemically synthesized in 1866. In 1998, choline was classified as an essential nutrient by the Food and Nutrition Board.
Eat these veggies like cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli and similar green leaf vegetables which 

may be a good sources of choline .

Sambal is condiment

A mulit-purpose condiment, common in Indonesia, Malaysia and southern India. Sambal is condiment that has a chili-based sauce. Sambals are popular in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the southern Philippines, and Sri Lanka, as well as in the Netherlands and in Suriname, through Javanese influence. Typically made from a variety of chili peppers, it is sometimes a substitute for fresh chilis and can be extremely spicy .
Sambal is a spicy, chili based sauce or relish that is popular in many countries across Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia and Malaysia. The sauce consists of ground or pureed chilies and may include small amounts of other ingredients such as citrus juice, shallots, fruit, salt, sugar, or other spices. Making this spicy chili paste is a way to preserve chilies. There are hundreds of varieties of sambal that vary depending on the type of chilies used.
A sambal may contain onion, lime juice, lemongrass, sugar, garlic, oil and/or vinegar.
Sambal is used as an all-purpose condiment. It may be added to noodle dishes, soups, stews, meat, rice, and even eggs. Sambal can also be used to add heat and flavor to marinades, dips, sauces, and spreads.

What is the 100-mile diet?

What is the 100-mile diet?
Health wise it means “fresh” foods..
The concept of the 100-mile diet forces a mental shift from eating globally to think more locally to ensure everything you eat is within a 100 mile radius of your table.
This forces you to research and explore what's actually grown close to your home and you’ll begin to appreciate not only the bounty of your local region, but the major implications of eating foods from around the world.
Choosing to consume food that is produced within 100 miles of your home comes with all of the benefits of local, seasonal eating: more flavorful foods, smaller environmental footprint, better health, and support for local farmers.
Try eating whole foods i. e lots of vegetables, fruits, and grains, and you may find that you’ll lose weight. Compared to eating processed foods that are often packed with fat, salt, and simple carbohydrates, which can contribute to weight gain.
If you are limited to what is available locally then u will be having foods have unique and amazing tastes.
This way you’ll learn about where food comes from and what can be produced in your area. Far more important than where your food is coming from is the type of food you’re eating in the first place. It promotes local businesses also.
This means adjusting to eating local foods is that it becomes more difficult to make international dishes without the mangoes, avocadoes or coconuts.
More recently, there’s a growing movement of people calling themselves “locavores” because they try to eat only local food.
A few years ago, there was even a man who tried to live for an extended period of time on foods that grew in a 100-mile radius from where he lived in the Northwest. His diet was called the “100-Mile Diet.” In other words it is The 100-Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating.

The name biscotti is

The name biscotti is derived from 'bis' meaning twice in Italian and 'cotto' meaning baked or cooked. 
Great for dunking in coffee or tea.
What could be a proper ratio for an Italian biscotti recipe?
It probably is Two parts flour to One part sugar.
Then what about oil or Butter?
In a Classic Italian biscotti no butter or oil is added. And back-in-the day, when eggs were used it was enough eggs to make the batter stiff.
Though modern biscotti are associated with the Tuscan region of Italy. Tuscan biscotti were flavored with almonds from the plentiful almond groves of Prato. Italians call biscotti cantucci, and use the term biscotti to refer to any type of crunchy cookie, round, square and otherwise as the British use the word biscuit.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sambar or sambhar is a ..

Sambar or sambhar is a dish in South Indian and Sri Lankan Tamil cuisines, made of pigeon peas.
The pigeon peas are cooked until crumbled. Vegetables, turmeric, salt, asafoetida (a pinch) and a mixture of ground spices known as sambar powder (which contains roasted coriander seeds, chillies, lentils, and other spices) are initially boiled together. After the vegetables and tamarind water are slightly cooked, the lentils and ground coconut mixture are added and allowed to cook until the vegetables are done. A wide variety of vegetables may be added to sambar. Typical vegetables include okra, carrot, radish, pumpkin, daikon, potatoes, tomatoes, brinjal (eggplant) and whole or halved shallots or onions, but many different vegetables may be used with adequate results. Typically sambar may contain one or several seasonal vegetables as the main vegetables.
The cooked sambar is tempered with a garnish, an oil-fried spice mixture containing items such as mustard seeds, black gram, dried red chilies, curry leaves, fenugreek seeds, coriander seeds, and asafoetida. Fresh curry or coriander leaves may be added to enhance the flavor.
Sambar powder is prepared by pan roasting the whole spices and grinding them to a rather coarse powder.
Sambar powder as a ready-made masala is easily available in stores.


Dal to be pressure cooked with the veggies..
1\2 Cup Pigeon peas | Tur dal,
1\4 Cup Vegetable like Cabbage, Cauliflower,
French Beans and Carrot added when dal pressure 
Additional veggies that can be added Drum sticks, Pumpkin,
etc any of your choice which are boiled.
Still other veggies needed are ..
1\8 Cup Brinjal cut in cubes,
4 -5 Lady's finger cut into two pieces,
1 Onion cut into pieces,
1\2 Tomato cut into pieces.
4 - 5 Curry leaves,
1 Tbsp Tamarind pulp,
1 Tbsp Sugar,
1 Tbsp Oil,
1 -2 Pinch Mustard seeds,
1 Pinch of Asafoetida,
1\8 Tsp Turmeric powder,
1 Tbsp Sambar powder,
1\2 Tsp Coriander powder,
1 Tsp Red chilly powder,
Salt to taste.
Soak the dal and after 1\2 an hour or more pressure cook
the dal with Vegetable like Cabbage, Cauliflower,
French Beans and Carrot.
Boil veggies like drum stick and pumpkin with one or two pinch of salt.
Put a pan to heat add oil, mustard seeds, asafoetida, curry
leaves, onion and stir. Also add the cut pieces of brinjal n lady's finger.
Now add tomatoes n tamarind pulp.
Also add red chilly powder n sambar powder cook until oil appears on low heat.
Put the pressure cooked dal to boil with salt, turmeric powder, coriander powder and later churn it.
Add the dal mixture to the pan and stir.
Now add the boile veggies also.
On slow flame allow to boil.
Lastly check the seasoning and add sugar.
Garnish with cut coriander leaves and serve hot with rice.

What does a Mouth-freshener mean?

What does a Mouth-freshener mean?
Mukhwas is usually eaten after a meal to aid digestion and freshen the mouth.
A Mouth Freshener served after a meal is a mix of mint products like sweet supari, sugar mint, Supari Sali and badisop [ Fennel ].
These tasty Green Mukhwas is a traditional Indian mouth freshener for after meals. It can also act as a digestive aid. This aromatic mouth freshener is a blend of sugar, essential oils, fennel seeds, sesame seeds and other spices.
Saunf or Fennel seeds are the dried seeds of the Fennel plant.
The main ingredient being Fennel seeds or also called Saunf is best when roasted. Do u know why eat fennel seeds after a meal?
Fennel has a cooling effect and is an aromatic herb that is used in various culinary preparations as well.
Nutrition wise fennel or saunf is rich in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, folate, niacin, and antioxidants. Have u ever tried fennel tea or fennel mixed and had as a juice. This would provides relief from nausea and vomiting.
Coming up with a most interesting mouth freshener recipe combining roasted saunf n sali or laccha supari.

What is a recipe?

What is a recipe? 
A recipe is a set of instruction used for preparing and producing a certain food, dish, or drink.

The purpose of a recipe is to have a precise record of the ingredients used, the amounts needed, and the way they are combined. Another simple meaning of a recipe is ... 
A recipe is a set of instructions that describe how to prepare or make something, especially a culinary dish.
Recipe Name tells you what one's making. 
Followed by the List of Ingredients, and the second is the Amount of the ingredients.
Then Preparation Instructions or a clear, detailed method for making that particular dish.
How much time it will take to prepare the dish both preparation and cooking time.
The number of servings that the recipe will provide (the "yield") or number of persons that can be served.
Any special equipment or environment needed to prepare the dish.
Nutritional information such as calories per serving is mentioned.
But have u ever heard of A rhyming recipe?
It is a recipe expressed in the form of a rhyming poem. Now mainly a curiosity, rhyming recipes were a common expedient for homemakers to memorize recipes in the late 19th and early 20th century. How young girls learnt to make good bread to bake.
First, mix a lukewarm quart, my daughter, one-half o milk and one-half of water; to this please add two cakes of yeast, or the liquid kind if preferred in the least.
"Next stir in a teaspoonful of nice clear salt, if this bread isn't good, it won't be our fault.
Now add the sugar, tablespoons three; mix well together, for dissolved they must be. Pour the whole mixture into an earthen bowl, a pan's just as good, if it hasn't a hole. It's the cook and the flour, not the bowl or the pan, that 'makes the bread that makes the man.'
"Now let the mixture stand a minute or two, you've other things of great importance to do.
First sift the flour use, the finest in the land. Three quarts is the measure, 'Gold Medal' the brand. Next stir the flour into the mixture that's stood, waiting to play its part, to make the bread good. Mix it up thoroughly, but not too thick; some flours make bread that's more like a brick.
"Now grease well a bowl and put the dough in, don't fill the bowl full, that would be a sin' for the dough is all right and it's going to rise, till you will declare that it's twice its size. Brush the dough with melted butter, as the recipes say; cover with a bread towel, set in a warm place to stay two hours or more, to rise until light, when you see it grow, you'll know it's all right.
"As soon as it's light place again on a board; knead it well this time. Here is knowledge to hoard. Now back in the bowl once more it must go, and set again to rise for an hour or so.
Form the dough gently into loaves when light, and place it in bread pans greased just right.
Shape each loaf you make to half fill the pan, this bread will be good enough for any young man.
"Next let it rise to the level of pans no more, have temperature right, don't set near a door.
We must be careful about draughts; it isn't made to freeze, keep the room good and warm say seventy-two degrees. Now put in the oven it's ready to bake keep uniform fire, great results are at stake. One hour more of waiting and you'll be repaid, by bread that is worthy 'a well bred maid.'"

Rhyming recipe of the olden days..

Rhyming recipe of the olden days..
Two boiled potatoes strained through a kitchen sieve,
Softness and smoothness to the salad give;
Of mordant mustard take a single spoon,
Distrust the condiment that bites too soon!
Yet deem it not, thou man of taste, a fault
To add a double quantity of salt.
Four times the spoon with oil of Lucca crown,
And twice with vinegar procured from town;
True taste requires it and your poet begs
The pounded yellow of two well-boiled eggs.
Let onion's atoms lurk within the bowl
And, scarce suspected, animate the whole,
And lastly in the flavored compound toss
A magic spoonful of anchovy sauce.
Oh, great and glorious! Oh, herbaceous meat!
'Twould tempt the dying Anchorite to eat,
Back to the world he'd turn his weary soul
And plunge his fingers in the salad bowl.

Pinwheel sandwiches are ...

Pinwheel sandwiches are fabulous finger foods and are great for afternoon tea.
Pinwheel sandwiches are basically sandwiches where the filling has been rolled into the bread to look like a pinwheel!! They are usually used for fancy parties because they look so nice and so easy to serve.
Make a pinwheel sandwich, so take long strips of sliced bread (sliced on the horizontal) Put spread like an egg salad, and roll the bread up like a yule log. Many people put pickles along the bread at the starting point of the rolling. When you finish your yule log shape, and slice it into 1/2 inch sandwiches. Pinwheel mini sandwiches can be made with a spread which is your favorite and then cut into slices.
Take bread slices of your choice.
Cut the sides off the bread.
Roll with a rolling pin n lay it flat.
Even butter can be applied. Bread should be lightly buttered no matter what the filling. Butter should be at room temperature before spreading. Sandwiches will not become limp and soggy.
Apply sandwich spread. Remember that a spread is an important component, as it holds the sandwich together. Common spreads include cream cheese, mayonnaise, mustard and dressing.
Even sliced vegetables or grated mixed in the spread are not only tasty but easy to make.
Roll tightly. i. e Using rolling pin, flatten slices slightly.
Wrap in Cling Wrap and put in the fridge section. Refrigerate the roll for two hours.
Cut rolled sandwiches into slices. Serve immediately or refrigerate them until they are ready to serve.
Try mixing cream cheese, cut onions, chilies or Jalapenos and olives. Cut the crusts of the bread... so it becomes easy to roll, then simply fill, roll, chill, slice, and serve.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mexican Katchori ..

Mexican Katchori ..
Mexican Katchori ..
1 Cup Maize flour,
2 - 3 Tbsp Fine flour| Maida,
1 Tsp Oil,
Salt, Chilly flakes to taste.
Make a dough.
Allow to rest for 10 - 15 minutes.
Take a ball size of the dough.
Put oil to heat.
On the rolled out dough cut small circles using a cutter.
Put in oil n fry until light golden brown in color.
Cut Lettuce n keep in cold water.
Mix together.. 4 A Sauce
2 Tbsp Tomato sauce,
2 Tbsp Mayonnaise or a sandwich spread,
1 Tsp mustard sauce n mix
1 Tbsp Cheese spread.
Make a potato n corn filling..
Take one boiled n cut into small pieces,
1 Small size Onion cut finely,
2 -3 Tbsp Corn boiled,
1 Tbsp Capsicum cut finely.
Lightly saute all the ingredients for the filling n add to taste
salt, chilly flakes, red chilly powder.
When to serve take the mexican katchori break on top.
apply the sauces mixture, put a spoonful of the filling and top
it with cut lettuce n grated cheese..


In pic on left corner in balls form..
2 Cups Bengal Gram dal, Soaked,
1 Cup Spinach, cut finely,
1 Cup Spring Onions, cut finely,
1 Large Onion sliced,
2 Tbsp cut Coriander Leaves,
A piece of Ginger,
1-2 cut Green Chillies ( opt ),
1 Tsp Turmeric powder,
2 Tsp Red Chilly powder,
4 Tsp Coriander powder,
Salt to taste,
Oil to fry.
Soak the dal overnight or for 5-6 hours.
Drain the water and put the dal in a mixer grinder,
in this add the optional ginger and green chillies.
Grind coarsely, take it out in a large bowl and add the
spinach, spring onion, coriander leaves and the sliced
onion and add the masalas .
Mix all together and fry as vadas or in the shape of balls.
Fry until golden brown and serve hot with sweet chutney.


A Thai curry dish is made from curry paste, coconut milk or water, meat, seafood, vegetables or fruit, and herbs.
Green curry is a variety of curry in Thai cuisine. The name "green" curry derives from the color of the dish. Green curries tend to be as hot as red curries. Most Thai curry dishes call for freshly prepared curry paste that is best used fresh just before cooking.
All Thai curries were made with the same ingredients except for one thing: the chilies. Red curry was made with red chilies, while green curry was made with green chilies, and yellow curry was made with yellow chilies. But as time went on, other ingredients were added to enhance each of these curries.
So the Yellow curry began to see turmeric added as one of the vital ingredients, giving the curry its typical golden-yellow hue.
Green curry has been made 'more green' over the years with the addition of some or all of the following: fresh coriander (cilantro), lime leaf (kaffir lime leaf), and basil.
Surprisingly Red curry has more or less remained the same.
Generally Thai curries are always made with a curry paste. The most common ingredients used in many Thai curry pastes are:
Shrimp paste, Chillies, depending on the curry these can be dried or fresh, red or green. Then Onions or shallots, Garlic, Lemongrass
Galangal [ Thai ginger] n Coriander (cilantro) root.
Also the paste can include spices as, turmeric, pepper, coriander seeds, cardamom pods, and cumin, or other ingredients.
Green curry paste is made by pounding in a mortar green chillies, shallots, garlic, galangal, kaffir lime peel, roasted coriander and cumin seeds, white peppercorns, shrimp paste and salt.
The main ingredients for the sauce consist of coconut milk, green curry paste, eggplant (aubergine), pea aubergine, sugar, fish sauce, kaffir lime leaves, and Thai basil leaves.
The paste is briefly fried in split coconut cream, then coconut milk, meat or fish, and vegetables added along with a pinch of palm sugar. Finally, kaffir lime leaves, phrik chi fa ("sky-pointing chilies", large mild chilies) and Thai basil are added just at the end of cooking for fragrance.
The Fish sauce is not only used when cooking the curry as a flavoring agent but also for its salty taste. It is usually kept on the table as a condiment.
A Useful tip ..
If any excess Thai curry paste remains then just fill a tray with the leftover paste and freeze it. Then transfer the cubes to a zipper-lock bag.

Eating with Chopsticks

Eating with Chopsticks ...
Chopsticks are short, frequently tapered sticks used in pairs of equal length, which are used as the traditional eating utensils of China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam. Originated in ancient China, they can also be found in some areas of Tibet and Nepal as well as areas of Thailand, Laos and Burma.
Chopsticks are most commonly made of wood, bamboo or plastic, but in the United States, most are made out of wood. Chopsticks are held in the dominant hand, between the thumb and fingers, and used to pick up pieces of food.
In Japanese, chopsticks are called hashi . They are also known as Otemoto. The Japanese word for chopsticks; hashi, means "bridge".
Chopsticks originated in ancient China as early as the Shang dynasty, replacing the fork. The earliest evidence of a pair of chopsticks, made of bronze, was excavated from the Ruins of Yin.
China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam have had chopsticks as part of their traditional eating utensils for thousands of years.
How to use chopsticks?
To use chopsticks, the lower chopstick is stationary, and rests at the base of the thumb, and between the ring finger and middle finger.
The second chopstick is held like a pencil, using the tips of the thumb, index finger, and middle finger, and it is moved while eating, to pull food into the grasp of the chopsticks.
Chopsticks, when not in use, are placed either to the right or below one's plate in a Chinese table setting.
It is considered poor etiquette to point rested chopsticks towards others seated at the table.
Anything too difficult to be handled with chopsticks is traditionally eaten with a spoon.
It is poor etiquette to tap chopsticks on the edge of one's bowl; beggars make this sort of noise to attract attention.
Resting chopsticks at the top of the bowl means "I've finished". Resting chopsticks on the side of one's bowl or on a chopstick stand signifies one is merely taking a break from eating.
One should not 'dig' or 'search' through one's food for something in particular. This is sometimes known as "digging one's grave" or "grave-digging".
Mayoi means "dithering" and considered bad manners to wave your chopsticks around aimlessly over the food.
Lastly never eat with a broken or mismatched pair of chopsticks.
If the chopstick is very long, and large then usually about 30 or 40 centimeters, are used for cooking, especially for deep frying foods. In Japan they are called ryoribashi. When used for cooking and to transfer cooked food to the dishes it will be served in.
Japanese style Chopsticks are usually tapered, either bluntly (Chinese style) or pointedly. Chinese style chopsticks are longer than other styles even thicker, with squared or rounded sides and ending in either wide, blunt, flat tips or tapered pointed tips.
If Chopsticks made from Bamboo and wood they are relatively inexpensive. Even Plastic chopsticks are relatively inexpensive, but
not as effective as wood and bamboo for picking up food.
The Silver is still common among wealthy families, as are silver-tipped wooden or bone chopsticks.
Try n try until you succeed because with a little practice, you will be able to use chopsticks with ease.

Corn On Toast

Corn On Toast
1\2 Cup Fresh Sweet corn coarsely ground,
1 Onion cut finely,
2 Tbsp Capsicum cut finely,
1 Green chilly cut in very pieces,
1-2 Tbsp Fine Flour| Maida,
1 Tsp Garlic paste,
5-6 Bread slices toasted,
2 Cheese cubes grated,
4 Tbsp Milk,
Salt, Pepper powder to taste,
1-2 Pinch of Sugar opt,
1 Tbsp Oil or Butter,
Few Spoons Tomato sauce to top it as dots.
Put a pan to heat add oil or butter and add the cut green
Now add the onion and capsicum also.
Stir for few seconds. Now add fine flour and milk.
If need be add 1-2 spoons water also.
Then add the coarsely ground corn n salt, pepper powder
to taste.
Cook on low flame until the corn look soft.
Put the bread slices to toast.
When ready on the toasted bread slices apply the corn
mixture and top with grated cheese also makes dots of tomato sauce.
Cut in triangle shape and serve. Or cut into 4 tiny pieces if
wish to serve as a starter...

The blue potato (or purple potato)

The blue potato (or purple potato) originated in South America.
It has purple skin and flesh, which becomes blue once cooked. 
Purple potatoes have deep violet, ink-colored skin and flesh.
Purple potatoes are an invaluable staple in a South American kitchen and used in many recipes.
Purple potatoes can be roasted, braised, boiled, baked, fried for chips, and they pair well with savory herbs, garlic, pork, poultry, artichokes, both rich and mild cheese, other starchy vegetables such as corn and shelled beans and of course, salad greens.

The Ghost Pepper (Bhut Jolokia is a chili

The Ghost Pepper (Bhut Jolokia is a chili pepper previously recognized by Guinness World Records as the hottest pepper in the world. The pepper is also known as Bhut Jolokia, ghost pepper, ghost chili pepper, red naga chilli, and ghost chilli.
The Bhut Jolokia are cultivated in the Indian states of Nagaland and Assam.
The Bhut Jolokia also known as Ghost Pepper has been around for many centuries and it is believed to have originated in Assam, India. The word Bhut, given from the Bhutias people, means "ghost" and was probably given the name because of the way the heat sneaks up on the one who eats it.

Dough is a ..

Dough is a thick, malleable paste made out of any cereals (grains) or leguminous crops by mixing flour with a small amount of water and/or other liquid.
The dough process is a precursor to making a wide variety of foodstuffs, like breads and bread-based items e.g., crusts, dumplings, or flatbreads, noodles, pastry, pizza, bread rolls, biscuits, cookies and similar items. This includes all kinds of breads or similar recipes made from maize, rice, sorghum, wheat, and other cereals or related crops used around the world.
The different Flatbreads such as pita, lafa, lavash, matzah or matzo, naan, roti, sangak, tortilla, or yufka are made from dough and eaten in many parts of the world. Some flatbreads, such as naan and roti a leavening agent may be used also Salt, oils or fats, sugars or honey or sometimes milk or eggs are also common ingredients to be added when making a dough.
Few terms related to dough ..
1 A leavening agent is a substance used when making a dough or a batter that causes a foaming action which lightens and softens the finished product.
2 Proofing also called proving is the word used by professional bakers which means the final dough-rise step before baking, and generally refers to a specific rest period known as fermentation.
Fermentation is a rest period meaning "Allow dough to rise."
3 Overproofing occurs when a fermenting dough has rested too long.
4 A dough proofer is a chamber used in baking that encourages fermentation of dough by yeast through warm temperatures and controlled humidity.
5 A dough retarder is a refrigerator used to control the fermentation of yeast when proofing dough.
6 A banneton is a type of basket used to provide structure for the sourdough breads during proofing.
7 Batter is a semi-liquid mixture of one or more grains used to prepare various foods. Many batters are made by combining dry flours with liquids such as water, milk or eggs; batters can also be made by soaking grains in water and grinding them wet. Often a leavening agent such as baking powder may be included to aerate and fluff up the batter as it cooks, or the mixture may be naturally fermented for the same purpose.
8 Kneading is a process in the making of bread or pasta dough, used to mix the ingredients and add strength to the final product. Its importance lies in the mixing of flour with water.
9 Kneading can be performed by hand (the traditional way), or in a mixer equipped with a dough hook, or in a bread machine.
10 The dough is put on a floured surface, pressed and stretched with the heel of the hand, folded over, and rotated through 90° repeatedly. This process continues until the dough is elastic and smooth. The dough is allowed to rise or "prove".
11 The knocking back or punching down of the dough is done after proving. The dough is punched once or twice, after which it is kneaded gently for a short time. The aim of this is to remove any large air pockets which have formed in the dough, create an even texture.
12 No-knead bread is a method of bread baking that uses a very long rising time instead of kneading to give the bread its texture.
It is characterized by a low yeast content and a very wet dough.
13 A dough scraper is a tool used by bakers to manipulate dough and to clean surfaces on which dough has been worked.
14 A dough mixer is an appliance used for household or industrial purposes. It is used for kneading large quantities of dough.
15 The word batter comes from the old French word battre which means to beat because many batters require vigorous beating or whisking in their preparation.

Palm Kernal/Nungu/Ice Apple ... Tadgola

Palm Kernal/Nungu/Ice Apple ... Tadgola
Borassus flabellifer, the Asian Palmyra palm, Toddy palm, Sugar palm, or Cambodian palm, is native to South and Southeast Asia, in the Indomalaya ecozone. It is palm tree, one of the Sugar palm group, found from Indonesia to Pakistan.
Borassus flabellifer is a robust tree and can live more than 100 years and reach a height of 30 m (98 ft).
The very large trunk resembles that of the coconut tree and is ringed with leaf scars.
Also popularly known as Tadfali (pronunciation variations are Tad-fali or Taadfali) in Gujarati, Targula in Konkani, Tadgola in Marathi and sometimes Ice-apple in British English.
The fruit measures 4 to 7 inches in diameter, has a black husk, and is borne in clusters. The top portion of the fruit must be cut off to reveal the three sweet jelly seed sockets, translucent pale white, similar to that of the lychee but with a milder flavor and no pit.
The jelly part of the fruit is covered with a thin, yellowish-brown skin. These are known to contain watery fluid inside the fleshy white body. The taste of the Nungu is not unlike the flesh you get inside tender coconuts.

What does Rhubarb mean?

What does Rhubarb mean? So many meanings of ...
Rheum rhabarbarum, Rhubarb is a species of plant in the family Polygonaceae. They are herbaceous perennials growing from short, thick rhizomes. They have large leaves that are somewhat triangular, with long fleshy petioles. They have small flowers grouped in large with leafy greenish white to rose red inflorescences. Rhubarb is grown primarily for its fleshy stalks, technically known as petioles.

Rhubarb leaves contain poisonous substances.
In culinary use, fresh raw petioles (leaf stalks) are crisp (similar to celery) with a strong, tart taste. Most commonly, the plant's leaf stalks are cooked with sugar and used in pies and other desserts.
Any of a genus (Rheum) of Asian plants of the buckwheat family having large leaves with thick succulent petioles often used as food; also the petioles of rhubarb.
The dried rhizome and roots of any of several rhubarbs grown in China and Tibet and used as a purgative and stomachic.
Any of several plants of the genus Rheum, especially
R. rhabarbarum, having long green or reddish acidic leafstalks that are edible when sweetened and cooked. Also called pie plant.
Rhubarb is usually considered to be a vegetable; however, in the United States, a New York court decided in 1947 that since it was used in the United States as a fruit. Rhubarb has been used for medical purposes by the Chinese for thousands of years.


Amla is one of the best sources of vitamin C and is considered a powerhouse of nutrients. The Amla, or Indian gooseberry contains more than 80% of water.
It is rich in fibre, minerals and vitamins. It also contains Gallic acid which is a potent polyphenol which is rich Source of Vitamin C.
It acts on the body to balance the three humors the kapha, pitta, and vata. A dosha (doṣa) is one of three bodily humors that make up one's constitution according to Ayurveda. The three fundamental bodily humours or doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Vāta or Vāyu (wind) is the impulse principle necessary to mobilize the function of the nervous system.
Pitta (bile) is the bilious humor, or that secreted between the stomach and bowels and flowing through the liver and permeating spleen, heart, eyes, and skin; its chief quality is heat.
Kapha (phlegm) is the body fluid principle which relates to mucus, lubrication and the carrier of nutrients.
Vata is quick, cold and dry by nature. It governs motion, breathing, circulation, elimination and the flow of nerve impulses to and from the brain.
Pitta is hot and precise by nature. It governs digestion and metabolism and the processing of food, air and water throughout the body.
Kapha is solid and steady by nature. It governs structure and fluid balance and forms muscle, fat, bone and sinew. We all have a certain amount of Vata, Pita and Kapha in our constitution and while all three of them are active, one or two usually dominate.

happy holi 2 all

Khushiyan Ho Overflow Masti Kabhi Na Ho Low,
Tumhari Holi Ho Ekdam Number 1,
Aur Aap Karo Whole Day Fun...
Wish u all a happy Holi.
Pichkari ki dhar ho aap pe,
Rangoon bochhar go aap pe,
Khush rahen aap aur aap ka parivar,
Mubarak ho aap ko HOLI ka tehwar,
Wishing you a very very
HAPPY HOLI to you & your family.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Cabbage Subzi

Cabbage Subzi
Cabbage [ medium size half ] cut in long pieces,
1\2 cup Fresh Coconut grated.
1-2 Tbsp Oil,
1- 2 Pinch of Hing \ Asafoetida,
1\2 Tsp Mustard seeds,
1 Tbsp Urad Dal
1 - 2 Whole Red Chillies opt,
4-5 Curry leaves.
Rest of the masalas ..
Salt to taste
1\2 tsp Turmeric powder,
1 Tsp Red Chilly powder opt.
Cut the cabbage and wash it in water. .
Heat the oil in a pan and put all of the ingredients for tempering and cut cabbage and season it with salt and turmeric powder.
Mix n allow to cook on low flame with little water on the lid.
Then finally add the freshly grated coconut, red chilly powder and stir for 2-3 mins on low heat.
Serve with Plain Rice n Sambar.

what is what?

Fondant is one of several kinds of icing-like substances used to decorate or sculpt pastries and in French, it means "melting".
Poured fondant is a creamy confection used as a filling or coating for cakes, pastries, and candies or sweets. In its simplest form, it is sugar and water cooked to the soft-ball stage.
Rolled fondant, fondant icing, or pettinice, which is not the same material as poured fondant, is commonly used to decorate wedding cakes. It includes gelatin (or agar in vegetarian recipes) and food-grade glycerine, which keeps the sugar pliable and creates a dough-like consistency.
Fondant cakes are cakes that are covered in a sugar dough so it doesn't require refrigeration before cutting it.

What does Rajwadi mean?
Rajwadi is a small hamlet in the village of Nivendi near Ganapatipule in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra.
Rajwadi Masala would consist of Almonds, poppy seeds, melon seeds, cashew nuts, fennel seeds, white sesame seeds, green cardamoms, Cinnamon Sticks, Coriander Seeds, Cumin Seeds, red chilies, turmeric powder and nutmeg are main ingredients of a typical Rajwadi garam Masala.

The South Indian cuisine includes the cuisines found in the four southern states of India, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
The similarities lies in the presence of rice as a staple food, the use of lentils and spices, the use of dried red chillies and fresh green chillies, coconut and native fruits and vegetables like tamarind, plantain, snake gourd, garlic, ginger, etc. Overall all the four cuisines have much in common and differ mostly in how spicy the food is.

lentils. ..

India is the world’s biggest producer and consumer of lentils. It is commonly known as dal, lentils typically are served at every meal with steamed rice or bread.
The lentil is an edible pulse/bean. Lentil colors range from yellow to red-orange to green, brown and black.
Lentils are used throughout South Asia, the Mediterranean regions and West Asia. They are frequently combined with rice, which has a similar cooking time.
Rice and lentils are also cooked together in khichdi, a popular dish.
Most dal recipes are quite simple to prepare. The standard preparation begins with boiling a variety of dal (or a mix) in water with some turmeric, salt to taste, and then adding a fried garnish at the end of the cooking process. In some recipes, tomatoes, tamarind, unripe mango, or other ingredients are added while cooking the dal, often to impart a sour flavor.
The whole red lentils (Sabut Masoor Dal) are brown skinned and orange inside. It is easy too cook, delicious and nutritious.
In a pressure cooker this can be cooked quickly and easily.
Whole masoor is washed and pressure cooked until it turns soft.

Why eat Cabbage everyday?

Why eat Cabbage everyday? Cabbage is a stomach's best friend.
Cabbage is a leafy vegetable of Brassica family, round or oval in shape, consisting of soft light green or whitish inner leaves covered with harder and dark green outer leaves. It is widely used throughout the world, eaten cooked or raw as salad and is a very popular vegetable. Cabbage is a sturdy, strong and abundant vegetable. Cabbage is rich in vitamin A, cabbage is said to be very good for your eyes as well as your skin.
Cabbage has been found to lower the incidence of cancer.
The vegetable is very good for building of muscles and thus, getting a healthy body. This is because it is rich in iodine, which is necessary for proper muscle development.
Cabbage has been related to lowering cholesterol.
Red cabbage contains antioxidant. Red cabbage boasts more health benefits than the green variety.
Cabbage also contains lots of vitamin C and vitamin D.
Cabbage is known to have detoxifying properties.
Cabbage is an anti-inflammatory vegetable.
Even if your fridge is full of other foods, you should still consider eating cabbage. It’s very low in calories and high in fiber. Together, these two attributes spell weight loss, which should benefit your blood sugar.
From all of the cooking methods the best way to cook cabbage is sauté. By doing so it provides the greatest flavor and is also a method that allows for concentrated nutrient retention.
A whole cabbage will keep in the refrigerator for one to two weeks, and five or six days when chopped.
In population studies, people eating the most cabbage were the least likely to develop cancers. Throughout history cabbage has been harvested for its medicinal purposes also.

Pistachio nuts are one of the oldest ..

Pistachio nuts are one of the oldest known edible nuts, dating back at least 9,000 years.
The pistachio stands apart from other tree nuts due to its green color and the semi-opening shell. Like other tree nuts, however, pistachios contain a significant amount of fat.
The human body needs dietary fat to support normal body functions. Pistachio nuts contain very little saturated fat. Pistachio nuts contain no trans fat which is a fat considered of the worst type. Pistachio nuts serve as a good source of these "healthy" fats.
Pistachio nuts are both delicious and nutritious. They make a good snack.
Remember to eat these nuts in moderate amounts from time to time. Although pistachios are high in fat, most of the fat is the heart-healthy unsaturated fat, not saturated fat.
Pistachio nuts offer antioxidants and 18 vitamins and minerals, making them a healthy addition to any diet. So one could eat pistachio nuts as a snack, use them in salads, mix them or add them to baked items.