
Friday, March 29, 2013

What is the 100-mile diet?

What is the 100-mile diet?
Health wise it means “fresh” foods..
The concept of the 100-mile diet forces a mental shift from eating globally to think more locally to ensure everything you eat is within a 100 mile radius of your table.
This forces you to research and explore what's actually grown close to your home and you’ll begin to appreciate not only the bounty of your local region, but the major implications of eating foods from around the world.
Choosing to consume food that is produced within 100 miles of your home comes with all of the benefits of local, seasonal eating: more flavorful foods, smaller environmental footprint, better health, and support for local farmers.
Try eating whole foods i. e lots of vegetables, fruits, and grains, and you may find that you’ll lose weight. Compared to eating processed foods that are often packed with fat, salt, and simple carbohydrates, which can contribute to weight gain.
If you are limited to what is available locally then u will be having foods have unique and amazing tastes.
This way you’ll learn about where food comes from and what can be produced in your area. Far more important than where your food is coming from is the type of food you’re eating in the first place. It promotes local businesses also.
This means adjusting to eating local foods is that it becomes more difficult to make international dishes without the mangoes, avocadoes or coconuts.
More recently, there’s a growing movement of people calling themselves “locavores” because they try to eat only local food.
A few years ago, there was even a man who tried to live for an extended period of time on foods that grew in a 100-mile radius from where he lived in the Northwest. His diet was called the “100-Mile Diet.” In other words it is The 100-Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating.

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