
Thursday, June 20, 2013

There’s nothing like eating your own home grown veggies, what say ..

There’s nothing like eating your own home grown veggies, what say ..
7 Onions are one of the easiest vegetables to propagate. Just cut off the root end of your onion, leaving a ½ inch of onion on the roots.
8 When planted, sweet potato will produce eye-shoots much like a potato. Bury all or part of a sweet potato under a thin layer of soil in a moist sunny location. New shoots will start to appearthrough the soil in a week or so..
9 Plant your pineapple crown in a warm and well drained environment. To re-grow pineapples, you need to remove the green leafy piece at the top and ensure that no fruit remains attached.
10 Cut the top off your carrot, leaving about an inch of vegetable at the root. Stick toothpicks into the sides of the carrot stump and balance it in a glass or jar. Fill the glass with water so that the level reaches the bottom of the cutting. Leave the glass in filtered, not direct, sunlight and ensure water is topped up to keep the bottom of your cutting wet. You’ll see roots sprout in a few days, and you can transplant your ‘pet’ carrot into soil after a week or so.
11 Do not throw avocado seed but rather why not use it to grow your own avocado plant. So take the seed and wash in the sink, with your cleaned seed stick in three or four toothpicks and suspend it above a glass of water. Then it will take 2 to 6 weeks until the roots and a stem begin to sprout. When the roots are thick and the stem has re-leafed take out the toothpicks and place the plant into a rich humus soil.

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