
Friday, August 23, 2013

Seasoning is the process of . .

Seasoning is the process of imparting flavor to or improving the flavor of food. Seasonings include herbs and spices, which are themselves frequently referred to as "seasonings".
Larousse Gastronomique states that "to season and to flavor are not the same thing", insisting that seasoning includes a large or small amount of salt being added to a preparation. Salt may be used to draw out water, or to magnify a natural flavor of a food making it richer or more delicate, depending on the dish. 
What is Larousse Gastronomique?
It is an encyclopedia of gastronomy. The majority of the book is about French cuisine, and contains recipes for French dishes and cooking techniques. 
A well designed dish may combine seasonings that complement each other. In addition to the choice of herbs and seasoning, the timing of when flavors are added will affect the food that is being cooked.
Seasonings are . . .
Seasonings are placed together into four categories ...
1.Saline seasonings like Salt. 
2.Acid seasonings like Vinegar or Citric juices. 
3.Hot seasonings like Paprika, Curry, Cayenne Pepper or Pepper spices.
4.Saccharine seasonings like Sugar and Honey. 
Salts are Saline seasonings like Salt, spiced salt, saltpeter.
Acid seasonings are Plain vinegar (sodium acetate), or tarragon; verjuice, lemon and orange juices.
Hot seasonings are Peppercorns, ground or coarsely chopped pepper, or mignonette pepper; paprika, curry, cayenne, and mixed pepper spices. Saccharine seasonings are Sugar, honey.
If want the food to taste good, you will need to use seasonings. Seasonings are a mix of different kind of herbs, spices and condiments that is put together and used to flavor the food.
According to the experts, salt does not have any seasoning qualities. The only thing salt does is to boost the flavor of the food you are making. But, because pepper and basil transfer a certain flavor to the food you are cooking, they do have the right quality to be accepted as seasonings. Always remember that the time when you add the spices and herbs in the food, is very important. 
You don't want to add the spices and herbs too early in the cooking process, because there is a chance that the flavor will disappear. On the other hand, if you but in to late, the flavor may be to strong and destroying the food. There is a balance you need to achieve, if you want to make a perfect tasting meal.
1 Salt, also known as table salt or rock salt (halite), is a crystalline mineral that is composed primarily of sodium chloride (NaCl), a chemical compound. Salt for human consumption is produced in different forms: unrefined salt (such as sea salt), refined salt (table salt), and iodized salt.
2 Seasoned salt is a blend of table salt, herbs, spices, other flavorings, and sometimes monosodium glutamate (MSG).
3 Potassium nitrate is one of several nitrogen-containing compounds collectively referred to as saltpeter or saltpetre.
4 Vinegar is a liquid consisting mainly of acetic acid (CH3COOH) and water.
5 Tarragon is one of the four fines herbes of French cooking, and is particularly suitable for chicken, fish and egg dishes.
6 Verjuice is a highly acidic juice made by pressing unripe grapes, crab-apples or other sour fruit. Sometimes lemon or sorrel juice, herbs or spices are added to change the flavor.
Condiments can be pungent like onion and garlic; they can be hot like mustard, capers, chilli, or fatty like butter, animal and vegetable fats or greases.

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