
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Red Chana gravy

Red Chana gravy
1 Cup Red gram chana, soaked overnight then pressure cooked,
1 Tomato cut in small pieces,
1 Potato small size washed n cut into pieces,
1 Green chilly broken into pieces,
A small piece of Ginger cut into very small pieces,
4 - 5 pieces of Raddish cut in big pieces, opt.
For tempering . ..
1 Tbsp Oil,
1\2 Tsp Cumin seeds,
1\8 Tsp Asafoetida,
1\4 Tsp Turmeric powder along with 1\ 2 Tsp Red
chilly powder both mixed in one cup water.
1 Tsp Coriander powder,
1\4 Tsp Garam masala,
1\4 Tsp Pav bhaji masala,
1\4 Tsp Sugar,
1 Tbsp Tamarind sweet chutney,
Salt to taste.
Put a pan to heat, add oil and then add cumin and
Quickly add the red chilly + turmeric water.
Now add all cut vegetables and rest of the masalas.
Also add the pressure cooked chana, allow a boil to
Put a lid, cook on low flames for 10 - 12 minutes.
When done a little oil will appear on top.
Check the taste.
A simple garnish of tomato n onion slice.
Best with steaming rice, kadhi and chana along with
loads of onions.

do u know . . . “Fruit of the Angels”

do u know . . . “Fruit of the Angels”
Papaya, a fruit which is available throughout the year, it is deliciously sweet. What is not well known is that Papaya has a lot of hidden benefits for skin, health and hair.
Papaya is very beneficial because ‘Papain’ commonly known as Papaya Enzyme is a kind of enzyme which is helpful in digesting proteins.
“Fruit of the Angels” as it Stops Cancer in Its Tracks.
Christopher Columbus discovered it in Mexico and called it the “fruit of the angels.”
Some people think he chose the name because of the fruit’s heavenly taste, unbelievable juiciness, and out-of-this-world scent.
But beyond its taste and aroma, scientists have confirmed this fruit’s ability to stop cancer growth. Nor do its health benefits stop with cancer. Keep reading to discover everything this “super fruit” can do for you…
Papaya’s orange-yellow-pink coloring is the visible sign of an awesome group of cancer-fighting carotenoids.
Papaya is also a naturally occurring blood thinner that can reduce your risk of blood clots and optimize blood flow.
Papaya seeds also promote a healthy heart, by way of three powerful antioxidants i. e vitamins A, C, and E.
Papaya’s high fiber also has a cholesterol-controlling effect on your body.
Unfortunately, as you age, your body’s own production of digestive enzymes goes down, leaving you with excessive undigested proteins that can cause a shortfall of amino acids and an excess of unwanted bacteria and other toxins.
If undigested proteins penetrate your gut and escape into your bloodstream, they are treated by your immune system as invaders. Too many of these escapees, and your immune system gets overworked and can’t keep up. Eating papaya counteracts that problem, aids digestion and also helps replenish friendly intestinal bacteria. Papain provides the proteolytic power you need to free up your immune system to do its normal work.
Proteolytic enzymes can also digest and destroy the defense mechanisms of viruses, tumors, allergens, yeasts, and some types of fungus.
Always remember like bananas, papayas turn from green to yellow as they ripen, which happens quickly at room temperature or in a paper bag.

Tips 2 buy fruits . . .
Choose a papaya that has a yellow or orange skin and feels a bit soft to the touch. Its ready to eat.

Who needs this . . 
Papaya is also fruitful for treating the dark spots of the skin.
So what are u waiting for?
Just do this much ...
The application of mashed pipe papaya with or without milk on your face can help in removing the dark spots and evens out the skin tone which results into a fairer and glowing skin.
Get a hydrated skin, mix mashed papaya with honey and apply on your face. Even moisturizing the skin is applying papaya on it.
Or if want skin tightening, apply mashed papaya mixed with honey and rice-flour for 15 - 20 minutes.
Do u want more papaya packs for the face ...
If skin tans and brightening the complexion with papaya also need to add yogurt, honey, lemon juice and egg white in it.
So do u agree ' papaya is good for health.'

Long grained rice the best known is Basmati...

Long grained rice the best known is Basmati, the best rice to use for separate, fluffy grains is basmati. This has long, thin, pointed grains, and is more expensive than others but, since cooking is about flavor, it is the one to buy as it has a far superior taste.
Always measure rice by volume and not by weight so use a measuring jug|cup.
Then for cooking the quantity of liquid you will need is roughly double the volume of rice of hot water or stock.
Methods of cooking rice . . .
Open Pan method or excess water is where rice is cooked in lots of water just like potatoes or pasta, then drained in a colander. Bring a large pan of water to the boil. When it comes to a boil then stir well. Lower the heat to a fast simmer and cook according to the variety. Drain in a colander and allow to stand for 5 minutes before fluffing with a fork and adding a little butter, ghee or oil (optional).
Covered Pan or absorption method is where the rice is cooked with a measured amount of water in a covered pan. The rice absorbs the water completely and is not drained. Measurement of water 2 measures water to 1 measure of dry rice.
Soaking times can be from 5-30 minutes. The longer the soaking, the shorter the cooking time. Best is shorten the cooking time, soak the rice in the water before cooking.
But still remember use a little less water than the recipes call for if you want fluffy rice. The ratio of rice to water should be a little less than 1:2. It is important to fluff the rice with a fork and serve.

"Snacking ....

"Snacking keeps your metabolism revved up and is a great way to boost your energy," says Tara Gidus, RD, a spokesperson for the 
American Dietetic Association. But not just any old snack will do. You need a snack that's full of nutrients to power you through your between-meal stretch.
For a healthy snack see if it contains a good source of fiber, protein or whole grain and not too much fat, sugar or salt.
Fresh Bananas and Apples are loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber, fruit is great for times when you need a little energy boost. Choose any fruit you like bananas, apples, and oranges are easy to carry with you.
When you need a bigger energy boost "You'll have the carbs in the yogurt and cereal for energy, and the protein from the yogurt, which makes you feel full longer".
Popcorn is a great snack because you get a lot of volume and fiber as it makes you feel full, and it's a whole grain, so it's healthier than any other snack.
Even Vegetables offer good carbs and fiber, plus loads of nutrients and vitamins, which help fill you up and add nutrition to your diet.
How about hummus as it adds some protein to your snack.
Almonds and Walnuts make for a wonderful snack.
Have u ever tried Whole grain crackers, whole wheat tortilla with hummus.
A healthy snacking tip 4 all . . .
Whenever you choose to snack, take a few minutes to enjoy what you are eating, eat it slowly and mindfully. Take snacks out of large containers, place them on small plates and pay attention to the taste and flavors to maximize your eating enjoyment.

Few Cooking Terms . . .

Few Cooking Terms . . .
Baste means to moisten foods during cooking with drippings, water or seasoned sauce, to prevent drying or to add flavor.
Blend means to mix two or more ingredients until smooth.
Blend is to combine ingredients together to a desired consistency.
Brush means to spread food with butter or margarine or egg, using a small brush.
Bind is to add an agent or ingredient, such as an egg, to a dish.
Crumb is to cover in a coating of breadcrumbs before frying or baking, to give a crisp finish.
Bind to hold together.
Coat means to roll foods in flour, nuts, sugar, crumbs until all sides are evenly covered.
Cream means to beat ingredients, usually butter, or butter and sugar.
Dredge is sprinkle, coat or cover with flour, crumbs, cornmeal or other seasoned mixture.
Dust is sprinkle a food or coat lightly with flour, sugar, cornmeal or cocoa powder.
Dust is to decorate a cake or dessert with a fine, even coating of icing sugar or cocoa powder.
Mix is to stir, usually with a spoon.
Fold means to combine ingredients lightly and delicately.
Rub is to coat flour grains with fat, usually butter, by mixing the chopped fat through the flour.

The word "pineapple"

The word "pineapple" in English was first recorded in 1398 and 
ananas, the original name of the fruit, comes from the Tupi word nanas, meaning "excellent fruit" as recorded by Andre Thevet in 1555.
How does it grow?
In appearance, the plant itself has a short, stocky stem with tough, waxy leaves. When creating its fruit, it usually produces up to 200 flowers, although some large-fruited cultivars can exceed this. Once it flowers, the individual fruits of the flowers join together to create what is commonly referred to as a pineapple. After the first fruit is produced, side shoots called 'suckers' by commercial growers are produced in the leaf axils of the main stem. These may be removed for propagation, or left to produce additional fruits on the original plant. In the first year of growth, the axis lengthens and thickens, bearing numerous leaves in close spirals.
The flesh and juice of the pineapple are used in cuisines around the world. The juice of the pineapple is served as a beverage, and is also as a main ingredient in such cocktails as the Pina colada.
Have u ever eaten sliced pineapple which is sold on roadsides as a snack?
Raw pineapple is an excellent source of manganese and vitamin C.
did u know . .
The Big Pineapple is a tourist attraction on the Sunshine Coast in South East Queensland, Australia. It is 16 metre high and was originally opened on the 15 of August 1971.
A FACT . . . a pineapple plant flowers only once, and produces one pineapple. Then it dies. But before it dies it also produces offspring.
Buying tip ...
Select a pineapple that is plump and fresh-looking. The leaves in the crown should be fresh and green, and the body of the pineapple firm. Look for pineapples that are heavy for their size.
A cooking tip ...
Add pineapple to a marinade to flavor and tenderize your meat of choice. Pineapple is a wonderful addition to fruit salads also.
Why eat it?
Pineapples are loaded with vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. It is also rich in fiber and calories. Eat them as they have exceptional juiciness and a vibrant tropical flavor that balances the tastes of sweet and tart.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Why eat Cucumbers . . .

Why eat Cucumbers . . .
Cucumbers are number four most cultivated vegetable in the world and known to be one of the best foods for your overall health.
If you are too busy to drink enough water, eat the cool cucumber, which is 90 percent water.
Cucumber fights heat inside and out meaning eating cucumber will get your body relief from heartburn. Apply cucumber on your skin and you will get relief from sunburn.
Do u know that Cucumber eliminates toxins from the body .
Cucumbers have most of the vitamins the body needs in a single day. A B and C, which boost your immune system keep you radiant and give you energy.

Do u know that . . . Fruits are an excellent l

Do u know that . . .
Fruits are an excellent l
unch food for everyone because they make healthy snacks and desserts.
Eating fruit on a lunch time can decrease appetite for the actual meal. It is because the fructose found in the fruit gives a quick energy boost and the fiber creates a feeling of fullness. 
Eat fruits on a lunch time is good because they are nutrition dense.
Just try an apple or a handful of grapes in a lunchbox as a sweet choice before a sandwich.
Always remember that for a pre lunch snack, whole fresh fruit is more filling and lower in calories than dried fruit or juices.

Why eat Cabbage?

Why eat Cabbage?
Do u know Cabbage is one of the oldest vegetables, dating back to the 1600’s. Cabbage is king of the cruciferous vegetable family.
Cabbage is used in many ways, ranging from eating raw and simple steaming to pickling, stewing, sauteing or braising.
Pickling is one of the most popular ways of preserving cabbage, creating dishes such as sauerkraut and kimchee.
Cabbage leaves are as effective as chilled gel packs in relieving pain and swelling. Cabbage is a low calorie food and rich in antioxidant. Cabbage is low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol, High in Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Folate, Potassium.
When buying Green Cabbage look for tight, heavy heads, free of insects and decay. When cooking cabbage remember a brief cooking time is needed. Cook just until tender and use stainless steel pots and pans.

Soy milk & Cucumis metuliferus

Soy milk, which is made from soaking, grinding and boiling soy beans with water, is a very nutritious drink. Soy is naturally high in 
essential fatty acids, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients provide energy and keep your body functioning at its optimum level. Soy milk is naturally lower in sugar content than regular milk. Soy milk is the first and the most popular milk alternative. Soy milk is naturally cholesterol free.

[ Pic is for reference purpose only . . .]
Cucumis metuliferus
, horned melon or kiwano, also called African horned cucumber or melon, jelly melon, hedged gourd, or melano, is an annual vine in the cucumber and melon family.
When ripe, it has a yellow-orange skin and a lime green, jelly-like flesh with a tart taste, and texture similar to a cucumber. The horned melon is native to Africa, and it is now grown in California, Mississippi, Chile, Australia and New Zealand, as well.
Some more info . . . African horned cucumber
When it is exported to the U.S., the horned cucumber is often labeled as "blowfish fruit." With its spiky yellow exterior and juicy green interior, this is one fruit with vibrant contrasts. It tastes like a cross between a cucumber and a zucchini, and it is rich in both vitamin C and fiber. Native to Africa, it has been exported and cultivated as far away as New Zealand, Australia and Chile.


1 Try to choose bread appropriate to the sandwich u are making like
soft and fluffy breads for moist fillings.
Let the thumb rule be .... the moister the filling the drier and denser the bread should be.
2 Be careful as the Sandwich spreads adds flavor also lends moisture and sometimes creaminess to sandwiches. 
3 Even choose Toppings properly like tomato slices and lettuce also lend moisture so try instead of sliced tomatoes, roasted peppers.
Instead of lettuce, experiment with other vegetables, like sliced fennel, spinach, shredded cabbage, or cucumber.
4 Always be careful to spread mayo, butter or cream cheese all the way to the edges of each slice of bread to seal against wet sandwich fillings.
5 If planning to add sliced onions then soak thinly sliced onions in ice water for 20 minutes or so. Then drain and blot dry before using them..

Tarragona, a historic Catalonian town . . .

Tarragona, a historic Catalonian town . . .
Romesco sauce is probably the most typical of Catalonian sauces. The use of bread, garlic, almonds or hazelnuts, olive oil and vinegar testifies to its Mediterranean origin, with Arab or Jewish influences. The later inclusion of tomato, perhaps to replace a sour fruit, and of dried peppers made it into the sauce we know today.
It is an excellent accompaniment for fish, meat and vegetables.
Traditionally used to flavor soups and stews, Romesco is also used as a dip for calçots.
Romesco in Spain is typically made from any mixture of roasted or raw almonds, pine nuts, and/or hazelnuts, roasted garlic, olive or sunflower oil, bitxo peppers (similar to New Mexico chiles) and/or nyora peppers (a small, round, variety of red bell pepper). Flour or ground stale bread may be used as a thickener or to provide texture. Other common ingredients include roasted tomatoes, red wine vinegar and onions. Leaves of fennel or mint may be added, particularly if served with fish or escargot. It is very often served with seafood, but can also be served with a wide variety of other foods, including poultry and some red meats like lamb and vegetables.

For hundreds of years, Jowar has been

For hundreds of years, Jowar has been feeding the people of Africa. This abundant cereal whole grain, also called sorghum, is an important staple crop in the diets of Africans. 
Jowar is the Indian name for sorghum, a cereal grain native to Africa. Also known as white millet, whole jowar kernels can be steamed, boiled, added to soups and stews or ground into a flour that can be used as a substitute for wheat flour in baked goods. Jowar is a gluten-free, high-protein, cholesterol free source of a variety of essential nutrients, including dietary fiber, iron, phosphorus and thiamine.
"Besides being gluten-free, millets have higher nutritional value than wheat, especially phosphorus and iron."
Have u heard of this? Popped Jowar . . .
Jowar is also popular in India, where it is roasted over fire or a stove and pops out like popcorn. This delicious snack is a smaller, sweeter, and healthier substitute for popcorn. Like popcorn, its simple to make in an air popper or over heated over the stove with oil. Season your popped jowar any way you please. Salt, chili powder, and Parmesan cheese are all great options.

did u know . . . Rösti is a

did u know . . .
Rösti is a
Swiss dish consisting mainly of potatoes. It was originally a common breakfast eaten by farmers in the canton of Bern, but today is eaten all over Switzerland and also served in many restaurants in the western world. Many Swiss people consider rösti a national dish. Rösti is made with coarsely grated potato, either cooked or raw. Depending on the frying technique, butter or another fat may be added (and usually salt and pepper).
The grated potatoes are then shaped into rounds or patties, which come in different sizes.

In Mexican cuisine, Pico de gallo

In Mexican cuisine, Pico de gallo also called salsa fresca, is a fresh, uncooked condiment made from chopped tomato, white onion, and chilis (typically jalapeños or serranos). Other ingredients may also 
be added, such as shrimp, avocado, lime juice or apple cider vinegar, fresh cilantro (coriander leaf), cucumber, radish or firm fruit such as mango.

The Cuisine of Hawaii is a fusion of

The Cuisine of Hawaii is a fusion of many foods brought by 
immigrants to the Hawaiian Islands, particularly of American, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Polynesian and Portuguese origins, including plant and animal food sources.
Food in Hawaii is a reflection of the state’s diverse cultural makeup and tropical location. Fresh seafood, organic fruits and vegetables, free-range poultry and meat, and locally grown products are the hallmarks of Hawaii regional cuisine.
The history . . .
Hawaii has an interesting culinary history that has brought about this melting pot of cuisines in the islands. When the first wave of islanders arrived somewhere around 300 AD, there was hardly any edible plants or animals on the island. These brave voyagers are believed to have brought around 30 edible plants as well as pigs, poultry and dogs to eat.
They soon found out that the taro they had brought was perfectly suited for the wet and humid conditions of the islands. This became the Hawaiian’s stable along with plenty of fish, coconuts and bananas. Captain Cook introduced goats, English pigs and seeds for onions, melons and pumpkins to the islanders. Soon after that, pineapple was first cultivated there, along with the discovery of the wonderful attributes of sugar cane.
Even today, the cuisine of Hawaii remains a fusion of foods and flavors brought to the Islands from around the world.

Dahi Puri Chaat

Dahi Puri Chaat
6 Pani puris,
3 Tsp Onion cut in very small pieces,
6 Tsp Nylon sev
2 Tsp Boondi to sprinkle on top,
6 Tsp Sweet Tamarind chutney,
3 Tsp Green spicy chutney,
6 Tbsp Dahi churned 
[ with powdered sugar, salt, pepper
powder, red chilly powder and cumin powder to taste,]
5 - 6 Tbsp mix of boiled potatoes cut in very small size,
boiled moong sprouts with salt n turmeric powder, also
red gram chana pressure cooked with soda n salt.
Break the pani puri on top, put cut onions, potato mix on
it drizzle dahi, both the chutneys and sev also sprinkle on top boondi..

Dhebra in Gujarati

Dhebra in Gujarati ઢેબરા, it is a Gujarati food item made of pearl millet flour.Making of dhebra is quiet simple needing sufficient water and salt is mixed in millet flour to make a dough. The resulting dough balls are then flattened on a chakla to a round shape using a belan (rolling pin). Then, both sides of the dhebra are streamed with vegetable oil on a tava, until small brown spots appear.
This is a plain dhebra, made of millet flour (bajra atta) and it
is the simplest dhebra to make, it is the most commonly consumed in India. Another variety is the methi dhebra, in which methi leaves (fenugreek) are added for flavor. Dhebra can be prepared either by frying in a Kadhai like puri or on a Tawa like parantha.
did u know . . .
Bajri, bajra or millet is a popular ingredient in the Gujarati household. 

Bajra flour is used to make Rotal, Thepla or Dhebra.

Grilling is a

Grilling is a form of cooking that involves dry heat applied to the surface of food, commonly from above or below (as in North America). It is sometimes referred to as barbecuing but that word can also mean a different cooking technique. So usually Grilling involves a significant amount of direct, radiant heat, and tends to be used for cooking meat quickly. Food to be grilled is cooked on a grill (an open wire grid such as a gridiron with a heat source above or below), a grill pan (similar to a frying pan, but with raised ridges to mimic the wires of an open grill), or griddle (a flat plate heated from below).
In British usage, barbecuing refers to a fast cooking process directly over high heat, while grilling refers to cooking under a source of direct, high heat known in the United States and Canada as broiling.
Now ' Barbecue ' also barbeque, BBQ and barbie is a method and apparatus for cooking food (generally meat). In the United States, to grill is to cook meat relatively quickly using the direct heat imparted by a charcoal or propane fire, while barbecue is a much slower method utilizing the indirect heat imparted by the smoke of a wood-fueled fire (and attended to over an extended period of several hours).
did u know that "barbecue" actually comes from the French phrase "barbe a queue", meaning "from head to tail."
Why grilling method is good . .
Grilled foods can be lower in saturated fat, if fat is allowed to drip out after it liquefies.
Grilling is one of the most popular methods of cooking. Whether it's grilled burgers, grilled chicken, grilled peppers, or grilled salmon recipes, cooking on the barbeque grill is quick and tasty.
Corn on the cob is the classic grilling example. And one of the most acceptable way to grill corn on the cob. Grilling vegetables brings the flavor of ordinary side dishes to luscious new levels. The direct heat concentrates each vegetable's flavor by cooking out the water. The natural plant sugars then become caramelized. Vegetables retain more vitamins and minerals.
Basic Grilling Techniques . . . check this out ..

Is fresh food better than canned food? What would u say??

Is fresh food better than canned food? What would u say??
How interesting . . ..
What is canned foods . . 
Canning is a way of processing food to extend its shelf life. The idea is to make food available and edible long after the processing time. 
Canning is a method of preserving food in which the food contents are processed and sealed in an airtight container. Canning provides a typical shelf life ranging from one to five years, although under specific circumstances a freeze-dried canned product, such as canned, dried lentils, can last as long as 30 years in an edible state.
To prevent the food from being spoiled before and during containment, a number of methods are used like pasteurisation, boiling (and other applications of high temperature over a period of time), refrigeration, freezing, drying, vacuum treatment, antimicrobial agents that are natural to the recipe of the foods being preserved, a sufficient dose of ionizing radiation, submersion in a strong saline solution, acid, base, osmotically extreme (for example very sugary) or other microbially-challenging environments. Other than sterilization, no method is perfectly dependable as a preservative.
How canning began . .
Throughout human history, food preservation has been essential to survival. Fresh or raw food is perishable and becomes unfit to eat over a relatively short time. So throughout history, people have tried to come up with a way to keep perishable foods fresh. Until the early 19th century, the only options were pickling, salting, drying or smoking these provisions. Although these methods preserved food, they affected its taste, texture and nutritional value.
A 1997 study by the University of Illinois Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition found that canned fruits and vegetables provide as much dietary fiber and vitamins as the same corresponding fresh foods, and in some cases, even more.
Fresh foods begin losing vitamins as soon as they are picked, and often sit in warehouses or in transit. Fresh fruits and some vegetables are harvested before they are even ripe.
Canned foods high in vitamin A and related carotenes, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin, protect the the body's cells and improve night vision. Canned tomatoes have high levels of lycopene, which studies show to help prevent prostate cancer.
Contrary to popular belief, canned fruits and vegetables use no chemical preservatives, but are preserved via natural heat methods.

do u know . . . A chipotle,

do u know . . .
A chipotle,
chilpotle or chilpoctli meaning "smoked chili" is a smoke-dried jalapeno. A chipotle chile is a fully ripened, dried and smoked Mexican jalapeno.
It is a chili used primarily in Mexican and Mexican-inspired cuisines, such as Mexican-American and Tex-Mex.
Most chipotle chilis are produced in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua. This variety of chipotle is known as a morita (Spanish for small mulberry). 

In central and southern Mexico, chipotle chilis are known as chile meco, chile ahumado, or típico. Whereas moritas from Chihuahua are purple in color, chile meco is tan/grey in color and has the general appearance of a cigar butt. 
Most chipotle chilis found in the United States are of the morita variety. 
Almost all of the chipotle meco is consumed in Mexico.
Chipotles, often are a key ingredient giving a relatively mild but earthy spiciness to many dishes in Mexican cuisine. Chipotles have heat and a distinctive smoky flavor. The flesh is thick, so the chiles are usually used in a slow-cooked dish rather than raw.
The chilis are used to make various salsas. Chipotle can be ground and combined with other spices to make a meat marinade.
Chipotle Pepper Facts . .. Chipotle peppers are smoked dried jalapeno peppers. The Jalapeno peppers turn red if left to ripen long enough and Chipotle peppers are dried red jalapenos.

What is Caramelisation?

What is Caramelisation?
It is the browning of sugar, a process used extensively in cooking for the resulting nutty flavor and brown color. As the process occurs, volatile chemicals are released, producing the characteristic caramel flavor. The process of caramelization consists of heating sugar slowly to around 170 °C (340 °F). As the sugar heats, the molecules break down and re-form into compounds with a characteristic color and flavor. Actually Caramelization is one of the most important types of browning processes in foods. 
Caramelization causes important changes in foods, not only in color but also in flavour. Caramelizing sugar is when melting sugar until it becomes a caramel color liquid. Caramelized sugar is simply a mixture of sugar and water cooked until it becomes syrupy and darkens, and reaching a temperature from 34Always remember when Caramelizing sugar it requires your full attention.0 to 350 degrees F.
What is a Caramel?
Caramel is a beige to dark-brown confectionery product made by heating any of a variety of sugars. It is used as a flavoring in puddings and desserts, as a filling in bonbons, and as a topping for ice cream, custards, and caramel corn. 

A Caramel sauce is made by heating water and caster sugar (also called superfine sugar) at a low to moderate temperature until the sugar dissolves and "caramelizes," changing color to golden brown.
What is Butterscotch?
Butterscotch is a type of confectionery whose primary ingredients are brown sugar and butter, although other ingredients such as corn syrup, cream, vanilla, and salt are part of some recipes.
When making butterscotch the sugar is boiled to the soft crack stage, and not hard crack as with toffee. Butterscotch sauce is often made into a syrup, which is used as a topping for ice cream.
Then what is Caramel corn?
It is an American confection made of popcorn coated with a sugar or molasses based caramel candy shell. Typically a sugar solution or syrup is made and heated until it browns and becomes thick, producing a caramelized candy syrup. This hot candy is then mixed with popped popcorn, and allowed to cool. 
What happens when Honey boils?
When you boil a syrupy substance like honey, some of the water contained in it will evaporate, leaving the remaining honey thicker than it was before. Boiled honey that has been allowed to cool will be more candy-like than syrupy.

a healthy tip 4 all

a healthy tip 4 all
Papaya is actually a wholesome fruit as it contains more Carotene
when compared to other fruits like apple, custard apple, guava and plantains. Not being an expensive fruit, papaya is a common man’s fruit which is beneficial in many ways.

Tips 2 buy fruits . . .
Choose a papaya that has a yellow or orange skin and feels a bit soft to the touch. Its ready to eat.

Who needs this . . 
Papaya is also fruitful for treating the dark spots of the skin.
So what are u waiting for?
Just do this much ...
The application of mashed pipe papaya with or without milk on your face can help in removing the dark spots and evens out the skin tone which results into a fairer and glowing skin.
Get a hydrated skin, mix mashed papaya with honey and apply on your face. Even moisturizing the skin is applying papaya on it.
Or if want skin tightening, apply mashed papaya mixed with honey and rice-flour for 15 - 20 minutes.
Do u want more papaya packs for the face ...
If skin tans and brightening the complexion with papaya also need to add yogurt, honey, lemon juice and egg white in it.
So do u agree ' papaya is good for health.'

do u know . . . “Fruit of the Angels”

do u know . . . “Fruit of the Angels”
Papaya, a fruit which is available throughout the year, it is deliciously sweet. What is not well known is that Papaya has a lot of hidden benefits for skin, health and hair.
Papaya is very beneficial because ‘Papain’ commonly known as Papaya Enzyme is a kind of enzyme which is helpful in digesting proteins.
“Fruit of the Angels” as it Stops Cancer in Its Tracks.
Christopher Columbus discovered it in Mexico and called it the “fruit of the angels.”
Some people think he chose the name because of the fruit’s heavenly taste, unbelievable juiciness, and out-of-this-world scent.
But beyond its taste and aroma, scientists have confirmed this fruit’s ability to stop cancer growth. Nor do its health benefits stop with cancer. Keep reading to discover everything this “super fruit” can do for you…
Papaya’s orange-yellow-pink coloring is the visible sign of an awesome group of cancer-fighting carotenoids.
Papaya is also a naturally occurring blood thinner that can reduce your risk of blood clots and optimize blood flow.
Papaya seeds also promote a healthy heart, by way of three powerful antioxidants i. e vitamins A, C, and E.
Papaya’s high fiber also has a cholesterol-controlling effect on your body.
Unfortunately, as you age, your body’s own production of digestive enzymes goes down, leaving you with excessive undigested proteins that can cause a shortfall of amino acids and an excess of unwanted bacteria and other toxins.
If undigested proteins penetrate your gut and escape into your bloodstream, they are treated by your immune system as invaders. Too many of these escapees, and your immune system gets overworked and can’t keep up. Eating papaya counteracts that problem, aids digestion and also helps replenish friendly intestinal bacteria. Papain provides the proteolytic power you need to free up your immune system to do its normal work.
Proteolytic enzymes can also digest and destroy the defense mechanisms of viruses, tumors, allergens, yeasts, and some types of fungus.
Always remember like bananas, papayas turn from green to yellow as they ripen, which happens quickly at room temperature or in a paper bag.