
Friday, December 27, 2013


also called Ulu (Artocarpus altilis) is a species of flowering tree in the mulberry family. Breadfruit, an equatorial lowland species.
It is growing throughout Southeast Asia and most Pacific Ocean islands.
Breadfruit trees grow to a height of 85 feet (26 m). The large and thick leaves are deeply cut into pinnate lobes. All parts of the tree yield latex, a milky juice, which is useful for boat caulking.
Breadfruit is a staple food in many tropical regions. There are many ways to cook breadfruit.
There are two varieties of breadfruit, one is the seeded variety known as the breadnut, and the other one is the seedless one.
Breadfruit can be eaten once cooked, or can be further processed into a variety of other foods. A common product is a mixture of cooked or fermented breadfruit mash mixed with coconut milk and baked in banana leaves. Whole fruits can be cooked in an open fire, then cored and filled with other foods, such as coconut milk, sugar and butter, cooked meats, or other fruits. The filled fruit can be further cooked so the flavor of the filling permeates the flesh of the breadfruit.

This Recipe comes from dear friend Anjoo Sikka . . .

This Recipe comes from dear friend Anjoo Sikka . . .
A healthy Salad recipe ... Pls try it out..
1 cup each of cooked garbanzo [chickpeas ] and black beans,
1/2 cup chopped red onions, 
1 cup chopped tomatoes, 
2-3 tablespoons chopped cilantro, also called coriander leaves,
1/2 teaspoon chopped jalapeños (can skip this),
1 1\2 tablespoons lime juice,
3/4 teaspoon salt.
Mix all the above ingredients.
And Anjoo also feels that one can use kidney beans, corn, and chopped cucumbers/celery/carrots instead or in addition to the above mentioned gr8 tip guys ... .
Eat. The most important step ...
The chickpea or garbanzo beans ...Other common names for the species include garbanzo bean, ceci bean, sanagalu, channa and Bengal gram.
The garbanzo beans are eaten daily in large amounts in parts of the world. Also Garbanzo beans (like most legumes) have long been valued for their fiber content.

Do u know why eat . . . Garbanzo beans

Do u know why eat . . . Garbanzo beans which are also known as chickpeas, these slimming beans. This super foods build bones, prevent chronic diseases, improve your eyesight, and even keep your mind sharp.
They're also a great source of fiber, protein, and healthy fats.
Garbanzo beans are a versatile and tasty legume. They can be tossed into salads, roasted, stirred into stews and mashed into a tasty, Mediterranean dip.
One viewer mentioned this also if of any help..
Mix these with vegetables like diced zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, onions with chopped parsley &/or mint to make a bean salad. Try n use a simple dressing of lemon, olive oil & balsamic vinegar.

Ravioli is a traditional Italian pasta dish made of pasta dough stuffed with filling. Ravioli are a traditional type of Italian filled pasta. They are composed of a filling sealed between two layers of thin egg pasta dough and are served either in broth or with a pasta sauce. Ravioli are traditionally made at home.

did u know that ..

did u know that .. . .. ..
The Stuffed pasta group includes agnolotti, mezzelune, ravioli, tortellini and “dumpling” pasta like gnocchi.
Gnocchi are various thick, soft pastas that may be made from semolina, ordinary wheat flour, flour and egg, flour, egg, and cheese, potato, breadcrumbs, or similar ingredients.
Gnocchi are eaten as a first course (primo piatto), as an alternative to soups (minestre) or pasta.

The Fruit cake and Christmas cake . . .

The Fruit cake and Christmas cake . . .
Fruit cake (or fruitcake) is a cake made with chopped candied fruit 
and/or dried fruit, nuts, and spices, and (optionally) soaked in spirits. A cake that simply has fruit in it as an ingredient can also be called a fruit cake. In the United Kingdom, certain rich versions may be iced and decorated. Fruit cakes are often served in celebration of weddings and Christmas.
But did u know that in Australia, fruit cake is consumed throughout the year, and is available at most major retail outlets. The cake is rarely eaten with icing or condiments. Fruit cake is a rich dense cake packed with dry fruits and nuts flavored with spices usually made during Christmas. In India, this is found everywhere during Christmas season, although it is also available commonly throughout the year.
The fruit cake is commonly known as a Christmas Cake in Canada and eaten during the Christmas season. Rarely is it seen during other times of the year.
A Christmas cake may be light or dark, crumbly moist to sticky-wet, spongy to heavy, leavened or unleavened, shaped round, square or oblong as whole cakes, fairy cakes, or petit fours, with marzipan, icing, glazing, dusting with icing sugar, or plain.
Christmas cake is an English tradition that began as plum porridge. People ate the porridge on Christmas Eve, using it to line their stomachs after a day of fasting. Soon dried fruit, spices and honey were added to the porridge mixture, and eventually it turned into Christmas pudding.
In the 16th century, oatmeal was removed from the original recipe, and butter, wheat flour and eggs were added. These ingredients helped hold the mixture together and in what resulted in a boiled plum cake. Richer families that had ovens began making fruit cakes with marzipan, an almond sugar paste, for Easter. For Christmas, they made a similar cake using seasonal dried fruit and spices. The spices represented the exotic eastern spices brought by the Wise Men. This cake became known as "Christmas cake."

Waffles the flat cakes baked in ancient Greece....

Waffles the flat cakes baked in ancient Greece....
A Waffle is a crisp golden-brown pancake with deep indentations on both sides. Waffles originated in Belgium in the 14th century, as a refinement of pancakes. Waffles started as "obleios" that ancient Greeks used to cook very flat cakes between two hot metal plates.
In other words one could say that a waffle is a leavened batter or dough cooked between two plates, patterned to give a shape and a surface impression. Waffles can be eaten plain (especially the thinner kinds) or sprinkled with powdered sugar.
National Waffle Day is celebrated on August 24th.
International Waffle Day is celebrated on March 25th.
did u know all this . . .
The Belgium waffle is originally know as a Brussels waffle. The waffle is a thicker waffle with deeper pockets.
Brussels waffle Invented in 1839 did not make it to the United States until 1964 making its premier at the World Fair.
National Waffle Day is August 24. Which celebrates the first United States patent for a waffle iron given to Cornelius Swarthout in 1869
International Waffle Day is March 25. Originated in Sweden know as Vaffeldagen.

What Are Water Chestnuts?

What Are Water Chestnuts?
The name "water chestnut" comes from the fact that it resembles a chestnut in shape and coloring. 
Water chestnuts are perennials from a family of plants called sedge, a type of marshy grass with the edible part appearing at the bottom very much like a real chestnut in shape and color.
Did u know that these aren't actually nuts but an aquatic vegetable. Each has a similar size and mildly sweet apple-coconut flavor.
Also called Chinese water chestnuts, they're white, have a crunchy texture and a fresh, mild taste, and are often used in Chinese cooking. This is a firm, white, crunchy water chestnut, not a nut but a vegetable.
Nutritionally, water chestnuts have a good number of vitamins and minerals such as fiber, vitamin B6, copper, riboflavin, and manganese.
Why eat them?
Water chestnuts are just the perfect food for those who want to lead a healthy life. They are almost fat free and are therefore, a healthy food option.
Water chestnuts are also known to contain detoxifying properties and are considered to be good for people suffering from jaundice.
When choosing fresh water chestnuts, look for firm ones.
The fresh water chestnuts need to be peeled and the top cut off before using. Water chestnuts are frequently added to stir-fries, stuffing's, and dumpling fillings for extra texture and a sweet flavor.
Chinese herbalists believe water chestnuts can help sweeten the breath.

Silicone bakeware

Silicone bakeware is made of FDA approved food grade silicone and this should be clear on the packaging label. Each piece of silicone has its own limitation as to manufacturer recommended maximum oven temperature, which is usually stamped right on the product. Their cheerfully bright colors do attract our attention also.
Quick even baking and cooling.
Benefits of Silicone Bakeware
No greasing or oiling of pans required
Pans heat quickly and bake evenly with no burnt or dark edges or bottom.
Removal from pans is super easy a slight twist or gently pulling on the sides and roll out your baking.
They're freezer, refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher and oven safe.
Bake, store, freeze and reheat right in the pans.
No rusting or staining.
No need to alter your batter or temperature just bake as usual.
Cleanup is a breeze.
Storing is easy although they do not easily nest, no special attention is required and they retain their shape.
Silicone bakeware has been in use commercially for several years but it's still quite new to the home market.
A tip remember . .
Follow manufacturer's maximum heat ratings.
Silicone is rated to withstand heat temperatures without melting. However, these ratings vary by manufacturer.
When buying silicone tools, look for higher heat ratings the better.
Another important tip is ... Wash them in warm soapy water and rinse them well before their first use.
Stack the clean and dry silicone cupcake liners inside one another to store.

Rajeshwari Ganesh Tkuuuu so much these tip s hav come to me jus in time.

Baking with Silicone Molds

Baking with Silicone Molds
They're naturally non-stick, flexible, brightly colored, easier to find and mostly inexpensive.
Silicone baking molds are extra convenient because they don't typically require greasing. Still, some baking molds, especially the larger ones, still require greasing or buttering and flouring.
Silicone molds do not need greasing as they are non-stick which is a great plus but it is better to grease or spraying with some oil as
this allows easy release of the baked goods.
Smaller silicone baking cups are also great for making Mini pies and quiches, Cheesy puff pastry appetizers, also snacks made with wonton wrappers and many more.
Remember they are washable and reusable.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Corn Cheese Starter

Corn Cheese Starter
Make a Dough
1\2 Cup Maida\ Fine flour,
1 Tsp Oil,
Salt to taste.
Filling the stuffing...
1\2 Cup Corn kernels boiled with
1 - 2 Pinch of Salt n Sugar, later coarsely ground,
1 Cube processed Cheese, grated,
1 Onion cut in small pieces,
1 Tsp Oil or butter,
1\2 Green Chilly cut in small pieces,
Salt, Pepper powder n Chaat masala to taste.
To Serve
Mix 1 Tbsp Garlic flavor mayonnaise,
1 Tsp Tomato sauce,
1 Tsp Chilly sauce and
1 - 2 drops of Mustard sauce, mix well.
Make a dough using water keep to rest.
Put a pan to heat add oil, green chilly and the cut onion.
Stir for few minutes.
Now add the corn, salt, pepper powder and chaat masala.
Give it a good mix and take it off the heat.
When cools down add the grated cheese.
Take the dough and make 8 balls out of it.
Put oil to heat to fry the starters.
Dust a surface with flour and roll one ball then using
a knife cut the sides to get a square.
Cut the remaining rolled dough in thin stripes n fry.
On the square piece put a spoon of stuffing in the center.
Apply water on three sides and bring the outer edge towards the center and seal it.
Similarly do for the other two sides and using a fork press to seal better n create a design or impressions.
Fry in oil all the 8 pieces and the remaining cut stripes.
Serve in single serve glass at the base drops of
mayo sauce with a single starter and the fried stripes..

Strawberry Orange

Strawberry Orange
4 - 5 Fresh Oranges juice add Sugar, salt n pepper powder to 
taste, Chaat masala is opt.
8 - 10 Strawberries washed n pureed with 
1 Tbsp Strawberry crush,
2 Strawberries cut into very small pieces to put at the base of the glass,
Ice cubes or chill the orange juice n strawberry puree,
1 Strawberry with a slit for garnish,
Lemon flavor soft drink to top it ,
Take a tall glass at the base put small pieces of strawberry.
On this pour the strawberry puree, and on it the orange juice finally top with lemon flavor soft drink..

a bit of info

Vegetables in general do not tend to be rich in iron, however some garden greens are calcium-rich. 
Vegetables on the whole are a poor source of calcium, but some leafy greens do contain a good dose. 
Spinach, kale, and turnip greens are solid foods for calcium. 
Always remember that Collards, spinach, and kale are widely available greens that are high in calcium.
Carrots contain 33 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams.

What is kale? What is the other name of kale?
 Kale or borecole (Brassica oleracea Acephala Group) is a vegetable with green or purple leaves, in which the central leaves do not form a head. It is considered to be closer to wild cabbage than most domesticated forms.
Kales can be classified by leaf type:
Curly-leaved (Scots Kale)
Rape kale
Leaf and spear (a cross between curly-leaved and plain-leaved kale)
Cavolo nero (also known as black cabbage, Tuscan Cabbage, Tuscan Kale, Lacinato and dinosaur kale)
Because kale can grow well into winter, one variety of Rape Kale is called Hungry Gap, named after the period in winter in traditional agriculture when little could be harvested.
An extra tall variety is known as Jersey kale or cow cabbage.

. Tender kale greens can provide an intense addition to salads. Many varieties of kale and cabbage are grown mainly for their ornamental leaves. It is considered to be closer to wild cabbage than most domesticated forms.


The English word for "flour" is originally a variant of the word "flower". Flour is a powder which is made by grinding cereal grains, or other seeds or roots (like Cassava). It is the main ingredient of bread, which is a staple food for many cultures.
Wheat flour is one of the most important ingredients in European, North American, Middle Eastern, Indian and North African cultures, and is the defining ingredient in most of their styles of breads and pastries. Flour that does not have a leavening agent is called plain or all-purpose flour. Leavening agents are used with some flours, especially those with significant gluten content, to produce lighter and softer baked products by embedding small gas bubbles.
Self-rising (or self-raising) flour is sold premixed with chemical leavening agents. The added ingredients are evenly distributed throughout the flour which aids a consistent rise in baked goods. This flour is generally used for preparing scones, biscuits, muffins, etc. It was invented by Henry Jones and patented in 1845. Plain flour can be used to make a type of self-rising flour although the flour will be coarser. Self-rising flour is typically composed of the following ratio: 1 cup (125 g) flour
1 teaspoon (3 g) baking powder
a pinch to ½ teaspoon (1 g or less) salt.
During the process of making flour nutrients are lost. Some of these nutrients are replaced during refining and the result is "enriched flour". Enriched flour is flour with specific nutrients returned to it that have been lost while being prepared. These restored nutrients include iron and B vitamins (folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, and thiamine). Calcium may also be supplemented. The purpose of enriching flour is to replenish the nutrients in the flour to match the nutritional status of the unrefined product.
This differentiates enrichment from fortification, which is the process of introducing new nutrients to a food.
Wheat flour is a powder made from the grinding of wheat used for human consumption. More wheat flour is produced than any other flour. Wheat flours contain a protein called gluten which, in the presence of water, forms an elastic network throughout the dough. This is the stuff that gives bread dough's their rubbery consistency. The whole point of kneading the bread dough.
Brown bread is a designation often given to breads made with significant amounts of whole grain flour, usually rye or wheat, and sometimes dark colored ingredients such as molasses or coffee.
what is gluten by the way?
Gluten is a protein that gives breads made from wheat flours their wonderful springy texture. When you dissolve it in water, the proteins link up into stretchy sheets.
Bread flour has extra gluten in it. It would be bad for cakes.
A list of gluten content of carious commercial flours. Apprx
Cake flour is typically 7-9% protein;
pastry|or cookie, ~9-10%;
all purpose, 10-12%,
bread, 12.5-13.5%,
clear and high gluten, 14-15%;
gluten "flour" (actually refined gluten), 45%.
The protein consists of ~80% gluten, and the gluten of cake flour is weakest, and bread and high gluten flour the strongest, and the intermediate ones increasingly stronger.


Breadfruit also called Ulu (Artocarpus altilis) is a species of flowering tree in the mulberry family. Breadfruit, an equatorial lowland species.
It is growing throughout Southeast Asia and most Pacific Ocean islands.
Breadfruit trees grow to a height of 85 feet (26 m). The large and thick leaves are deeply cut into pinnate lobes. All parts of the tree yield latex, a milky juice, which is useful for boat caulking.
Breadfruit is a staple food in many tropical regions. There are many ways to cook breadfruit.
There are two varieties of breadfruit, one is the seeded variety known as the breadnut, and the other one is the seedless one.
Breadfruit can be eaten once cooked, or can be further processed into a variety of other foods. A common product is a mixture of cooked or fermented breadfruit mash mixed with coconut milk and baked in banana leaves. Whole fruits can be cooked in an open fire, then cored and filled with other foods, such as coconut milk, sugar and butter, cooked meats, or other fruits. The filled fruit can be further cooked so the flavor of the filling permeates the flesh of the breadfruit.

did u know this . . .. The Difference between Raisins, Sultanas and Currants..

did u know this . . ..
The Difference between Raisins, Sultanas and Currants..

Sultanas are large green grapes that have been dried to a rich 
golden-brown. They’re usually larger than raisins or currants and are among the most popular dried sweet fruit due to their size, succulence and sweetness.
Sultanas can be used in the same way as raisins and currants. They also have an affinity with nuts.
Try adding sultanas to savory sauces or stuffings.
Raisins are dried white grapes. They are dried to produce a dark, sweet fruit. The grapes used are usually Moscatel.
Seedless raisins are made from grapes with no seeds. Seeded raisins are made from grapes that normally have seeds, but from which the seeds have been removed before or after drying.
Dark raisins these are the most common variety found in markets.
While White or golden raisins these are also called muscats and are generally made of white muscat grapes which are seeded, specially oven-dried (rather than by sun), and treated to retain their light color.
Sultanas are also dried white grapes but from seedless varieties. They are golden in color and tend to be plumper, sweeter and juicier than other raisins. Also referred to as Golden Raisins in the US. Sultanas: More popular in Europe, these raisins come from a seedless yellow grape and are usually softer and sweeter than other varieties.
Currants are dried, dark red, seedless grapes. Although Currants is a gooseberry relative known as the currant, the dried currant raisin is actually made from Black Corinth grape called Zante. They are tiny, seedless, and very sweet but do bear a resemblance to the currant berry. The grapes were originally cultivated in the south of Greece, and the name currant comes from the ancient city of 'Corinth'. These currants are known as Zante currants in the States.

HOW MANY USE THESE? Bean sprouts . . .

Bean sprouts
are a common ingredient, especially in Asian cuisine, made from sprouting beans. The most consumed sprout on Earth, Mung Bean are grown primarily in China and are used extensively in Asian cuisine. The typical beansprout is made from the greenish-capped mung beans. Other common bean sprouts are the usually yellow, larger-grained soy sprouts. It typically takes one week for them to be completely grown. The sprouted beans are more nutritious than the original beans and they require much less cooking time and, therefore, fuel.
Bean sprouts are a raw, crunchy vegetable found in many Asian and healthy dishes.
Many health benefits of bean sprouts. Sprouts have always been in the list of healthy and nutritious foods. In addition to easy cooking, sprouts are also good for health. In fact, sprouts are also known as energy giving foods.
Beans are easy to digest and have high amounts of dietary fiber.
Consuming sprouts is like eating live vegetable food. Think for yourself, how nutrient-dense a growing food could be…
It is said that sprouts ‘represent the miracle of birth’. They are in the true sense, super foods. They are alkaline, whole, pure, and natural foods.
In the life of a plant, sprouting is a moment of great vitality and energy. 
The seed, after having remained quiet for a long period of time, becomes more and more active and begins its journey up through the topsoil and into the open air. When it sprouts, a healthy seed activates many different metabolic systems. It converts some of its sugar content into vitamin C, to act as an antioxidant in the new open air environment.

What is a Sprout n the sprouting process?

What is a Sprout n the sprouting process?
sprout is at the transitional stage between seed and plant. The sprouts supply food in already pre digested form. Where the food, which has already been acted upon by enzymes and simplified. During sprouting, much of the starch is broken down into simple sugars such as glucose and sucrose by the action of the enzyme ‘amylase’. Proteins are converted into amino acids and amides. Fats and oils are converted into simpler fatty acids by the action of the enzyme lipase. Also, during sprouting there is s reduction in the gas producing quality of beans.
Sprouting is the practice of germinating seeds to be eaten raw or cooked. Sprouted foods are a convenient way to have fresh vegetables for salads, or otherwise, in any season and can be germinated at home or produced industrially.
The germination process takes a few days and can be done at home.
The seeds are first rinsed to remove soil and dirt.
Then they are soaked for 20 minutes to 12 hours, depending on the type and size of seed.
After draining and then rinsing seeds at regular intervals they germinate, or sprout.
For home sprouting, the seeds are soaked (big seeds) or moistened (small), then left at room temperature (13 to 21 °C or 55 to 70 °F) in a sprouting vessel. Many different types of vessels can be used. One type is a simple glass jar with a piece of cloth or nylon window screen secured over its rim.
The seeds swell, may stick to the sides of the jar, and begin germinating within a day or two.
Sprouts are rinsed two to four times a day, depending on the climate and the type of seed, to provide them with moisture and prevent them from souring.
Mung beans can be sprouted either in light or dark conditions.
Experts estimate that there can be up to 100 times more enzymes in sprouts than uncooked fruits and vegetables. The energy contained in the seed, grain, nut, or legume is ignited through soaking and sprouting. Sprouts are alkalizing to your body.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Pav Bhaji All in one

Pav Bhaji All in one
2 Hot dog rolls or Pav bhaji pavs,
Butter to apply.
1 Onion cut into slices,
2 Tbsp Cheese grated, processed cheese.
For the stuffing is pav bhaji a dry form with less
moisture because with this stuffing it is grilled.
1 Potato,
1 Carrot,
4 - 5 French beans,
1 - 2 Florets of Cauliflower.
All these cut in medium size pieces put in pressure cooker with little salt.
Saute . . .
1 Onion cut in square pieces,
1 Capsicum cut in square pieces,
1 Tomato cut in small pieces.
1 Tbsp Oil or Butter,
1 - 2 Cloves of Garlic cut in small pieces,
1 Green chilly cut in pieces, opt,
1\2 Tsp Pav bhaji masala,
1\8 Tsp Turmeric powder,
1\4 Tsp Red Chilly powder,
1\8 Tsp Sugar,
1\8 Tsp Chaat masala,
Salt to taste.
Put a pan to heat add oil, garlic, green chilly and
cut onion. Stir.
Now add capsicum and tomatoes, stir on low flame.
Also add turmeric powder, red chilly powder, pav bhaji
This is time to add the pressure cooked vegetables,
check salt and add sugar lastly chaat masala.
Apply butter on slit pav or hot dog roll put the pav bhaji,
place onion rings and top with cheese.
Put in a heated griller toaster and do until golden brown.
Generally we serve pav bhaji, pav with onions but try all in one..

Catch this Great Cajun seasoning!


Catch this Great Cajun seasoning!

A Cajun spice mix is . ..
Mix together salt, garlic powder, paprika, black pepper, onion powder, cayenne pepper, oregano, thyme, and red pepper flakes until evenly blended. 

Store in an airtight container.
Another cajun mix could be . . .
For a good Cajun spice take in equal amounts cumin, coriander and paprika. Also mix oregano, salt and cracked pepper.
Cajun spice, just try this one.. 1 tsp cumin, 1 tsp coriander,
1 tsp paprika, ¼ tsp salt, ¼ tsp cracked pepper, 1/3 tsp oregano. Mix all together..
Generally recipes for this spice mix can include any of the following Paprika, Ground cumin, Salt, Garlic powder, Onion powder, Black pepper, Dried thyme, Dried oregano, Cayenne pepper, Cardamom, Caraway seeds, Dried basil, Dry mustard or Filé powder.
Now what is File powder?
A File powder is a Creole seasoning made from ground sassafras tree leaves. File powder, also called gumbo file, is a spicy herb made from the dried and ground leaves of the sassafras tree (Sassafras albidum), native to eastern North America. Choctaw Indians of the American South (Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana) were the first to use dried, ground sassafras leaves as a seasoning, what is now called file, or gumbo file, used in Creole cooking. It is used in the making of some types of gumbo, a Creole and Cajun soup/stew often served over rice; other versions of gumbo use okra or a roux as a thickener instead. Sprinkled sparingly over gumbo as a seasoning and a thickening agent, it adds a distinctive, earthy flavor and texture. File can provide thickening when okra is not in season.

What is Nougat?

What is Nougat?
The word “nougat” is French and comes from the Old Provencal word “nogat”, meaning “nut cake”. Nougat is known to have been around since around the 9th century in Greece. However, it was unpopular sweet until the 17th century in France.
Nougat is a family of confectioneries made with sugar and/or honey, roasted nuts (almonds, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, and recently macadamia nuts are common), whipped egg whites, and sometimes chopped candied fruit. The consistency of nougat can range from soft and chewy to hard and crunchy, and it is used in a variety of candy bars and chocolates.
Learn about . . . There are three main types of nougat:
There are three basic kinds of nougat. The first, and most common, is white nougat, made with beaten egg whites and honey; it appeared in Cremona, Italy in the early 15th century and in Montélimar, France, in the 18th century. In other words it is ..
White nougat is made primarily from whipping egg whites, sugar, nuts (usually almonds, pistachios, or hazelnuts), and honey together.
The second is brown nougat ("mandorlato" in Italy and nougatine in French) which is made without egg whites and has a firmer, often crunchy texture.
The third is the Viennese or German nougat which is essentially a chocolate and nut (usually hazelnut) praline. German nougat, also known as “Viennese Nougat”, is generally made with only sugar, chocolate, and almonds.
How to Make Nougat . . .

Friday, November 1, 2013


Diwali the festival of lights begins from November 1st which is Dhanteras. Diwali or Deepavali is the Indian festival of lights. 
Dhanteras is celebrated on the thirteenth day of the month of Karthik according to the Hindu calendar. This day falls two days prior to the Diwali.
Dhanteras is the day it is believed Goddess Lakshmi visits all houses and blesses them with wealth and prosperity. People buy gold, silver, and steel utensils on this day. Dhanteras comes from “Dhan” or wealth and “Teras” means thirteenth. 
November 2nd is Naraka Chaturdashi. This is the day it is believed Goddess Kali killed Narakasura the evil demon. 
November 3rd is Diwali the main day when we worship Goddess Lakshmi and pray for a better world. 
November 4th is Govardhan Puja when it is believed Lord Krishna defeated Indra. A mound of grain is kept signifying the Govardhan mountain and worshipped. 
November 5th is Bhau Beej when brothers are worshipped by their sisters for a long and happy life.
Wishing u a fantastic,
Xtra special,
Ekdum mast n dhinchak,
Bole to ekdum jhakaas
“Happy diwali” . . .

Was wondering what a calorie is?

Was wondering what a calorie is?
When people talk about the calories in food, what do they mean? 
A calorie is a unit of energy. In nutrition and everyday language, calories refer to energy consumption through eating and drinking and energy usage through physical activity. For example, an apple may have 80 calories, while a 1 mile walk may use up about 100 calories.
The human body needs calories (energy) to survive, without energy our cells would die, our hearts and lungs would stop, and we would perish. We acquire this energy from food and drink.
Are Calories Bad for You?
Calories aren't bad for you. Your body needs calories for energy. But eating too many calories and not burning enough of them off through activity can lead to weight gain.
If we consume just the number of calories our body needs each day, every day, we will probably enjoy happy and healthy lives. If our calorie consumption is too low or too high, we will eventually experience health complications. Not everybody requires the same number of calories each day. Now all foods have calories and different foods have different amounts of calories. Calories are provided by fat, carbohydrate, and protein.
How the Body Uses Calories
Some people mistakenly believe they have to burn off all the calories they eat or they will gain weight. This isn't true. Your body needs some calories just to operate to keep your heart beating and your lungs breathing.
Now a days Calorie has become a household word, although exactly what a calorie does is a mystery to many.

VEGANS pronounced as ' VEE guns '. What do vegans eat?

VEGANS pronounced as ' VEE guns '.
What do vegans eat?

A vegan diet includes all grains, beans, legumes, vegetables and fruits and the nearly infinite number of foods made by combining them. 
What is a Vegan?
Vegans do not consume animal products, including meat, fish, fowl, eggs, dairy, honey or gelatin. Instead, vegans eat grains, beans, nuts, fruits, vegetables and seeds. While the diet may seem severely restricted compared to the standard American diet (often abbreviated "SAD"), it's not just salads. 
Veganism is the practice of minimizing harm to all animals, which requires abstention from animal products, such as meat, fish, dairy, eggs, honey, gelatin, lanolin, wool, fur, silk, suede and leather. Some call veganism a moral baseline for animal rights activists.
A Vegan Diet ...
Vegans eat plant-based foods, such as grains, beans, vegetables, fruits and nuts. While vegans have a wide variety of foods to choose from, the diet may seem very restrictive to those who are used to an omnivorous diet. “You just eat salad?” 
did u know this . . 
A person who is vegan is generally understood to be someone who abstains from animal products for animal rights reasons. A vegan may also be concerned about the environment and their own health, but the main reason for their veganism is their belief in animal rights. Veganism is a lifestyle and a philosophy that recognizes that animals have a right to be free of human use and exploitation. Veganism is an ethical stance.
Because veganism is about recognizing the rights of animals, it's not just about food. Vegans also avoid silk, wool, leather and suede in their clothing. Vegans also boycott companies that test on animals, and do not buy cosmetics or personal care products that contain lanolin, carmine, honey and other animal products. Zoos, rodeos and circuses with animals are also out, because of the oppression of the animals.
The world has been celebrating World Vegan Day on 1st November since 1994. Every year the celebrations get bigger and bigger. . .

Molecular gastronomy is a . .

Molecular gastronomy is a subdiscipline of food science that seeks to investigate, explain and make practical use of the physical and chemical transformations of ingredients that occur while cooking, as well as the social, artistic and technical components of culinary and gastronomic phenomena in general.
Molecular gastronomy is a modern style of cooking, which is practiced by both scientists and food professionals in many professional kitchens and labs and takes advantage of many technical innovations from the scientific disciplines.
The term "molecular gastronomy" was coined in 1992 by late Oxford physicist Nicholas Kurti and the French INRA chemist Hervé This.
More about Molecular gastronomy ....
How ingredients are changed by different cooking methods
How all the senses play their own roles in our appreciation of food
The mechanisms of aroma release and the perception of taste and flavor
How and why we evolved our particular taste and flavor sense organs and our general food likes and dislikes
How cooking methods affect the eventual flavor and texture of food ingredients
How new cooking methods might produce improved results of texture and flavor
How our brains interpret the signals from all our senses to tell us the "flavor" of food
How our enjoyment of food is affected by other influences, our environment, our mood, how it is presented, who prepares it, etc.
Initially the term molecular gastronomy was originally intended to refer only to the scientific investigation of cooking, though it has been adopted by a number of people and applied to cooking itself or to describe a style of cuisine.
A Must read 4 all .....

do u know . . . Lebanese cuisine

do u know . . .
Lebanese cuisine
includes an abundance of starches, whole grain, fruits, vegetables, fresh fish and seafood; animal fats are consumed sparingly. Poultry is eaten more often than red meat. When red meat is eaten it is usually lamb on the coast, and goat meat in the mountain regions. It also includes copious amounts of garlic and olive oil, often seasoned by lemon juice.; olive oil,herbs, garlic and lemon are typical flavors found in the Lebanese diet.
Most often foods are either grilled, baked or sautéed in olive oil; butter or cream is rarely used other than in a few desserts. Vegetables are often eaten raw or pickled as well as cooked. Herbs and spices are used and the freshness of ingredients is important. Like most Mediterranean countries, much of what the Lebanese eat is dictated by the seasons.
What is Meze or mezz?
Meze or mezz is a selection of small dishes served in the Middle East and the Balkans as breakfast, lunch or even dinner.
In Levantine cuisines, in the Caucasus region, and in parts of Balkans, meze is served at the beginning of all large scale meals.
Baba ghanoush is a Levantine dish of eggplant (aubergine) mashed and mixed with olive oil and various seasonings.
The Arabic term means "father of pestle" ("baba" means father and "ghanuj" derives from "ghan", stone for pressing cheese or grain). A popular preparation method is for the aubergine to be baked or broiled over an open flame before peeling, so that the pulp is soft and has a smoky taste. Often, it is eaten as a dip with khubz or pita bread, and is sometimes added to other dishes.
A Mutabbal, which also includes mashed cooked aubergines and tahini, and mixed with salt, pepper, olive oil, and anar seeds. Moutabel is sometimes said to be a spicier version of baba ghanoush.
Pita or pitta is a slightly leavened wheat bread, flat, either round or oval, and variable in size. Flatbread in general, whether leavened or not, is among the most ancient of bread.
Hummus is a Middle Eastern and Arabic food dip or spread made from cooked, mashed chickpeas blended with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic.
Falafel is a deep-fried ball or patty made from ground chickpeas, fava beans, or both. Falafel is a traditional Arab food, usually served in a pita, which acts as a pocket, or wrapped in a flatbread known as lafa; "falafel" .
The Lebanese cuisine is an ancient one and part of the Levantine cuisine, which include the Egyptian cuisine, Palestinian cuisine, Israeli cuisine, Syrian cuisine,etc. Many dishes in the Lebanese cuisine can be traced back to thousands of years to Roman, and even Phoenician times.

The word Idiyappam

The word Idiyappam translates to 'steamed rice flour'....
Iddiyappam or 'Putu mayam' in Malay is a Tamil dish. It is popular in southern India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore.
The process for making putu mayam (also known as string hoppers 
in English) consists of mixing rice flour or idiyappam flour with water and/or coconut milk, and pressing the dough through a sieve to make vermicelli-like noodles. The noodles are served with grated coconut and jaggery. This is a sweeter version and when this dish is eaten for breakfast it can be had with a vegetable stew or aviyal, or a fish curry.
Also known as String hoppers is a traditional Tamil , Sri Lankan and Kerala food consisting of rice flour pressed into noodle form and then steamed. Idiyappam is culinary specialty in Kerala, Sri Lanka, Tamil Nadu and coastal areas of Karnataka.
The ingredients to make Idiyappam are rice flour, salt and water.
The best way to make Idiyappam is to soak the rice in water for about 4 hours and then drain it. After, spread the rice on on newspaper and allow to dry for about 30 mins. Then dry grind to find powder and roast for about 10 minutes.
Make a dough using luke warm water only. Also season with salt. Knead into a smooth dough. Fill an 'idiyappam' press or a sieve with the dough and press the noodles onto banana leaves or directly into an idli steamer. Add a little grated coconut if desired. Steam for 5–10 minutes. Whether they are steamed well just press with your two fingers, if they don't stick together then done.

Veg Korma

Veg Korma
Vegetable Korma is the best with rotis, parathas or if served with idiappam.
Remember the choice of veggies is entirely your choice.
1 Cup Pressure cooked vegetables like
Potato, Carrot, Beans, Cauliflower, Cabbage,
Sweetcorn, Baby corn, any other of your choice.
Pressure cook the small size cut veggies with little
salt and only for one whistle..
1 Tbsp Oil,
1 - 2 Cloves,
1 Cardamom,
A small piece of Cinnamon..
1 Onion cut into small pieces.
1 Tbsp Fresh Cream,
1\2 Tsp Sugar,
1 - 2 Tbsp Milk..
Soak for an hour
1 Tbsp Poppy seeds,
3 - 4 Cashews,
1 Tbsp Coconut milk powder,
1 Tbsp Curd,
1\4 Tsp Turmeric powder,
1\4 Tsp Red chilly powder,
1\2 Tsp Coriander powder,
1\4 Tsp Garam masala.
Grind all the soaked ingredients with some water in 

which they are soaked along with . . .
3\4 tomato cut into pieces,
3\4 green chilly,
1- 2 cloves of garlic and
a small piece ginger..
Put a pan to heat and do the tempering as mentioned.
Then add the cut onion stir for few seconds.
Now add the ground paste.
Stir on low heat for few minutes.
It is time to add the pressure cooked veggies..
Also add as much water required to make a gravy.
Add salt and sugar cover and cook.
Lastly add one table spoon fresh cream and 1 - 2
table spoon milk..
Serve with hot parathas with a simple garnish..