
Tuesday, October 5, 2010


INGS: 10 Milk | Parle G…Biscuits,
2 Tbsp of each : Milk, Cocoa pd,
Drinking Chocolate pd and Castor Sugar.
1 Tbsp Butter, 2 Tbsp Strawberry Jam to
apply, 4 -5 Nutties cut into half or 4 Tbsp
grated chocolate or chocolate curls. 4 Cookie moulds.

METHOD: Grind the biscuits in a mixer jar to powder form. In a pan mix together the butter, sugar, cocoa pd
drinking chocolate pd and milk. Put the pan to heat and after.5 mins take off the heat and add now add the ground biscuit pd.
Grease the cookies mould and put the mixture into the 4 moulds. Press well and put in freezer to set for 15 mins. Take it out from the freezer and de mould. On these apply a layer of strawberry jam and
place a cut nutty piece or chocolate curl .
TIP: Make this from leftover chocolate icing or chocolate sauce, if using 10 biscuits then will be able to get 4 choco…tarts.

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