
Saturday, April 30, 2011


Junk food is an informal term applied to some foods
that are perceived to have little or no nutritional value,
i.e. containing "empty calories"  to products with 
nutritional value, but also have ingredients considered unhealthy when regularly eaten; or to those considered unhealthy to consume at all. Michael Jacobson aptly 
coins the phrase junk food in 1972.
Junk foods are typically ready-to-eat and have no
health benefits.
Junk foods include salted snack foods like chips (crisps), 
candy, gum, most sweet desserts, fried fast food and
carbonated beverages (sodas)  as well as alcoholic
beverages. The soft drink, potato chips, hot chips,
ice cream, and hamburgers,hot dogs are called
junk food. Junk food refers to fast foods which are
easy to make and easy to consume.
They are zero in nutritional value. The taste is the 
most attractive feature in junk foods but have ill effect
on one’s health. Junk food addiction is so high because
of its simplicity and if time constraint is one reason that 
pushes you to eating junk food.
Coming to Indian junk food, locally called ‘chaat’, 
these mostly include the very famous samosas, kachoris, panipuris/golgappas and patties. These are fried items 
with various fillings within an outer layer made of 
refined flour.
In India, even Chinese food sold in road-side stalls 
is junk food because they contain high amount of 
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG).
Motto of life : 
Eat lots of fresh foods, healthy foods most of the time. 

Comfort foods may involve foods that have a 
nostalgic element either to an individual.
 They are foods consumed to achieve some level of 
improved emotional status, whether to relieve negative psychological affect or to increase positive feeling.

Convenience food, or tertiary processed food, is
commercially prepared food designed for ease of 

Fast food means is the term given to food that can 
be prepared and served very quickly.
While any meal with low preparation time can be 
considered to be fast food.

A snack food  is a portion of food often  smaller 
than that of the regular meal and it is the in between food .

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