
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Carambola, or Starfruit, or Kamrak...

Carambola, or starfruit, is the fruit 
of Averrhoa carambola, a species of 
tree native to Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka.
The carambola is a tropical and subtropical 
fruit. In India, it is called kamrak.
Carambola, or starfruit, is the fruit of 
Averrhoa carambola, a species of tree 
native to the Philippines , Indonesia
Known as the “star fruit” because of its
shape when cut cross-ways.
The fruit has ridges running down its
sides (usually five) which in cross section resembles a star, hence its name.
It is also popularly called starfruit because 
of the unique shape of its fruit that resembles
a star. It is crisp, juicy and golden in color, 
and is used in desserts or salads. 
The fruit is entirely edible, including the 
slightly waxy skin.
Carambola is rich in antioxidants and
vitamin C and low in sugar, sodium and
acid. It's a good source of potassium,
vitamin C, and a source of dietary fibre.
Fresh carambolas are often eaten like
most fruits, as well as in salads, although
the most popular use by far in the U.S. is
for garnishing. Try substituting star fruit 
for citrus in both savory and sweet recipes.
The carambola fruit is extremely diverse in
its usage. Because if its attractive appearance, many people like to use the fruit as a decorative piece in their home or, as an edible adornment to buffet and luncheon platters. 
Carambola fruits are fairy hearty fruits and,
if stored and used properly, will enhance 
any dish for which they have been added.
Store green fruit at room temperature. 
Once it turns yellow, store in the fridge.
Tip Slice this fruit ' crossways'.

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