
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Know about Mustard seeds . . .

Mustard seeds are the small round seeds of various mustard plants. The seeds are usually about 1 or 2 mm in diameter. Mustard seeds may be colored from yellowish white to black. They are important spices in many regional foods. 
The seeds can come from three different plants: black mustard , brown Indian mustard and white mustard.
There are two major types of mustard seed, the white
(or yellow) and brown (Asian), A third species,
the black mustard seed.
Mustard seed is the seed of the mustard plant, a plant 
which has been cultivated for centuries for both its greens
and seeds. The French have used mustard seeds as a spice
since 800 AD.
These mustard seeds are known in Hindi/Urdu as sarson 
and in Punjabi as sarron.
These are used as a spice in North India and Nepal.
Black or brown mustard seeds are widely used in Indian, especially Bengali and Southern Asian, cooking.
When mustard seeds are used as a spice, there are a number
of ways to utilize them. Many cooks in places like India throw whole mustard seeds into a cooking pot with some oil before they start cooking a dish.
Make the condiment known as mustard, mustard seeds are ground and mixed with vinegar and salt to store the condiment.
Mustard seeds are also used as pickling spice.
Mustard oil is a versatile oil that can be used for both therapeutic uses and in cooking.
When using Mustard oil, it is important to allow the oil to
reach the smoking point.
Mustard oil that is allowed to reach the temperature
necessary for smoking will actually achieve a smoother
mustard flavor.
Health benefits of Mustard seeds . . . .
Mustard seeds have been around since almost 5,000 years. They're known to have numerous benefits since they're low
in calories and high in nutritional value and have a lot of antibacterial and antiseptic qualities.
Mustard oil is known to be great for the skin because it
gives warmth.
Mustard seeds are rich in a nutrient called selenium, known 
for its high anti-inflammatory quality.
The high source of magnesium in mustard seeds helps 
reducing the severity of asthma attacks and certain symptoms
of rheumatoid arthritis and lowering blood pressure.
Mustard seeds are very rich in calcium, manganese,  iron, 
zinc, protein and dietary fiber, so  include them in your diet.
Mustard seeds are excellent for digestion.
TIP 4 THE DAY . . . .
For people who suffer from a bad appetite, here's something that will be really helpful.
Mix a few black mustard seeds with milk and have it 15 to 20 minutes before your meal.


  1. wow, that was so much to learn about mustard seeds. Loved your post, specially your last tip. When you say mix mustard seeds, do you mix it in powdered state. I mean otherwise seeds cannot be mixed and also if you mix seed, are you supposed to drink that too or discard seeds and drink seed flavor infused milk?

    1. dear priya, i feel it could be had as whole seeds with milk, probably the way methi seeds are gulped with water.
