
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Rose petals Ice Cream

Rose petals Ice Cream
200 - 250 Ml Vanilla flavor ready made ice cream
It should be kept out from the freezer at room temperature so that it softens n becomes easy to mix.
Also add ..
1 Tbsp Gulkand,
1 Tbsp Rose syrup,
1 Tbsp Rose petals washed n cut into thin slices,
lastly add 2 - 3 Tbsp Curd| Yogurt drained in a strainer
for 10 minutes at least.
Mix the ice cream, curd, gulkand, rose syrup n petals.
Keep in an air tight container with a lid in the freezer
section to set.
When to serve drizzle some drops of rose syrup.

There’s nothing like eating your own home grown veggies, what say ..

There’s nothing like eating your own home grown veggies, what say ..
7 Onions are one of the easiest vegetables to propagate. Just cut off the root end of your onion, leaving a ½ inch of onion on the roots.
8 When planted, sweet potato will produce eye-shoots much like a potato. Bury all or part of a sweet potato under a thin layer of soil in a moist sunny location. New shoots will start to appearthrough the soil in a week or so..
9 Plant your pineapple crown in a warm and well drained environment. To re-grow pineapples, you need to remove the green leafy piece at the top and ensure that no fruit remains attached.
10 Cut the top off your carrot, leaving about an inch of vegetable at the root. Stick toothpicks into the sides of the carrot stump and balance it in a glass or jar. Fill the glass with water so that the level reaches the bottom of the cutting. Leave the glass in filtered, not direct, sunlight and ensure water is topped up to keep the bottom of your cutting wet. You’ll see roots sprout in a few days, and you can transplant your ‘pet’ carrot into soil after a week or so.
11 Do not throw avocado seed but rather why not use it to grow your own avocado plant. So take the seed and wash in the sink, with your cleaned seed stick in three or four toothpicks and suspend it above a glass of water. Then it will take 2 to 6 weeks until the roots and a stem begin to sprout. When the roots are thick and the stem has re-leafed take out the toothpicks and place the plant into a rich humus soil.


1 Leeks, Scallions, Spring Onions and Fennel You can either use the white root end of a vegetable that you have already cut, or buy a handful of new vegetables to use specifically for growing.
Simply place the white root end in a glass jar with a little water, and leave it in a sunny position. I keep mine in the kitchen window. The green leafy part of the plant will continue to shoot. When it’s time to cook, just snip off what you need from the green growth
and leave the white root end in water to keep growing. Freshen up the water each week or so, and you’ll never have to buy them again.
2 Also Lemongrass grows just like any other grass. To propagate it, place the root end after you’ve cut the rest off n put in a glass jar with a little water, and leave it in a sunny position.
3 Similar to leeks, these vegetables like Celery, Bok Choi, Romaine Lettuce & Cabbage will re-grow from the white root end.
4 Ginger is very easy to re-grow. Simply plant a piece of ginger rhizome in a pot having soil with the newest n smallest buds facing upward. Ginger enjoys filtered, not direct, sunlight in a warm moist environment.
5 Pick a potato that has robust eyes, you can re-grow potatoes from any old potato that has ‘eyes’ growing on it.
6 You can re-grow a plant from just a single clove i.e just plant it, root-end down, in a warm position with plenty of direct sunlight. The garlic will root itself and produce new shoots.

Shakshuka is ...

Shakshuka, an Israeli dish of eggs poached in a spicy tomato sauce. Shakshouka also called shakshuka is a dish of eggs poached in a sauce of tomatoes, chili peppers, onions, often spiced with cumin. It is believed to have a Tunisian origin.
Shakshouka is a staple of Tunisian, Libyan, Algerian, and Moroccan cuisines traditionally served up in a cast iron pan with bread to mop up the sauce. It is also popular in Israel, where it was introduced by Tunisian Jews.

Monday, June 17, 2013

A Swiss roll or jelly roll

A Swiss roll or jelly roll (or cream roll when so filled) is a type of sponge cake roll. A thin cake layer is made of flour, eggs, and sugar and baked in a very shallow rectangular baking tray, called a sheet pan. The cake is removed from the pan and spread with jam or butter cream, rolled up, and served in round cross-sectional slices. In India Swiss rolls are called "jam rolls". Tiny village Kanjirapally in the south Indian state of Kerala is the best known place for jam rolls.
Swiss roll is made by rolling a thin sheet of sponge cake spread with jam into a log shape. Usually served in slices, the result is a spiral of cake layered with jam. Variations can include whipped cream fillings, sometimes mixed with chopped fresh or dried fruit; the sponge itself can also be flavoued with ingredients such as chocolate. The French Bûche de Noël, a Swiss roll covered in rich chocolate frosting and made to resemble a tree log, is served at Christmas.

Making crisp Dosas .. TIPS .. TIPS ... TIPS....

Making crisp Dosas ..
TIPS .. TIPS ... TIPS....

1 Ingredients should be to the right proportion.
So to make the dosas crispier, you could use 3:1 proportion of rice and dal.
Also the secret to a crisp, golden dosa is adding of few spoons of poha/flattened rice while grinding the batter.
2 The dosa batter should be fermented for the right hours.. Allow the mixture to ferment for about 6 to 7 hours.
3 The thicker the batter more crisp the dosas will be..
4 When making dosas spread oil evenly on the dosa tava using a sliced onion as it works as a non stick medium. 

Ceviche is a seafood dish


Ceviche is a seafood dish popular in the coastal regions of the Americas, especially Central and South America. The dish is typically made from fresh raw fish marinated in citrus juices, such as lemon or lime, and spiced with chili peppers. 
Additional seasonings, such as chopped onions, salt, and coriander, may also be added. Actually it is .. Ceviche (“seh-BEE-chay”) is a hugely popular dish in South America. The basic ingredient is raw fish, cut into bite-size pieces and marinated in the juice of an acidic fruit (usually lime), salt, and seasonings usually chili peppers.
Ceviche is usually accompanied by side dishes that complement its flavors, such as sweet potato, lettuce, corn, avocado or plantain. As the dish is not cooked with heat, it must be prepared fresh to minimize the risk of food poisoning. 

It may be safer to prepare it with frozen or blast-frozen fish due to Anisakis parasites.
Ceviche is nowadays a popular international dish prepared in a variety of ways throughout the America. Ceviche is marinated in a citrus-based mixture, with lemons and limes being the most commonly used. In addition to adding flavor, the citric acid causes the proteins in the seafood to become denatured, appearing to be cooked. Ceviche its own touch of individuality by adding its own particular garnishes. In Peru, it is served with slices of cold sweet potatoes or corn-on-the-cob. In Ecuador, it is accompanied by popcorn, nuts, or corn nuts. Ceviche is easy to make and can be prepared as a meal or as a fabulous appetizer.
Serve in style by Lining a large glass dish or individual serving cup (a wide mouthed martini glass makes an excellent impression) with a few lettuce leaves. Spoon in the ceviche and then garnish with one or more colorful ingredient such as thin rings of red onion, one-quarter of an avocado sliced and fanned, assorted bell peppers finely diced.
[ Denaturation is a process in which proteins or nucleic acids lose the tertiary structure. Also when food is cooked, some of its proteins become denatured. This is why boiled eggs become hard and cooked meat becomes firm.]
A classic example of denaturing in proteins comes from egg whites, which are largely egg albumins in water. Fresh from the eggs, egg whites are transparent and liquid. Cooking the thermally unstable whites turns them opaque, forming an interconnected solid mass.]
The new "in" food of the beginning of the 21st century is actually an old world dish from South America called Ceviche. It has been one of South America's best-kept secret for centuries, but Ceviche is becoming a popular appetizer and will be gaining popularity as the century progresses. Ceviche is considered Peru's national dish.

A Tajine or Tagine is a

A Tajine or Tagine is a historically Berber dish from North Africa that is named after the special earthenware pot in which it is cooked.
A similar dish, known as tavvas, is found in the cuisine of Cyprus. The traditional tajine pot is formed entirely of a heavy clay, which is sometimes painted or glazed. It consists of two parts: a base unit that is flat and circular with low sides and a large cone or dome shaped cover that sits on the base during cooking.
The cover is designed to promote the return of all condensation to the bottom. With the cover removed, the base can be taken to the table for serving. Tajines are also used and made in Morocco.
Typically, a tagine is a rich stew of meat, chicken, or fish, and most often includes vegetables or fruit. Vegetables can also be cooked alone.

Queso fresco is a

Queso fresco is a traditional Mexican cheese which is a common ingredient in a wide range of dishes. The cheese is a quintessential part of Mexican cuisine, and is often available in Mexican markets and grocery stores.
The cheese is always made from cow's milk, and could be likened to farmer cheese or pot cheese. To make queso fresco, milk is curdled, salted, and lightly pressed. The aging process for the cheese is very brief, usually no more than a few days, and then the cheese is sent to market. Traditional queso freso is good for around five days, although many dairies add stabilizers and handle the cheese slightly differently to extend the shelf life.
Since queso fresco is best when it is as fresh as possible, the cheese should be purchased on the day it is to be used, ideally.
It can be kept wrapped in the fridge for several days, but it will start to lose texture and flavor.

Dal Makhani comes from North India.. .

Dal Makhani comes from North India.. .
Dal Makhani is a delicacy from Punjab in India. Traditionally this dal was cooked slowly, for hours, on charcoal. Actually traditionally, the Dals are simmered overnight in Tandoor which enhances the taste.
This gave it a creamier texture. It had ‘malai’ (cream) or fresh butter added to it. When cooked at home these days, more moderate amounts of cream or butter are used. When prepared in restaurants, it is cooked slowly on low heat and often has a large amount of cream and butter added. Lentils and beans were soaked overnight for at least 8 hours and gently simmered on low heat along with ginger, garlic and a few other spices (garam masala).
These are then combined with a tangy masala base which includes onions, tomatoes (chopped or puree) or dried mango powder or even pomegranate seeds.
Dollops of fresh cream and butter lend the rich finishing touch. It is garnished with finely chopped coriander leaves and fresh cream.
It is a sumptuous meal and a staple diet in Punjab and most of Northern India. It is commonly eaten with roti, rice, naan chapatis.

Mashed potatoes are a simple dish

Mashed potatoes are a simple dish also a comfort food at its best.
Mashed potato is a dish prepared by mashing boiled potatoes.
Potatoes have long been considered a European staple. In fact, a lot of people living in Ireland and Poland would probably swear that the starchy tuber got its start there. While the potato was rapidly becoming an important food across Europe, in Ireland it was frequently the only food. Many Irish survived on milk and potatoes alone as the two together provide all essential nutrients.
Some sources say the actual recipe for mashed potatoes originated in 1771 when a French man named Antoine Parmentier held a competition on ways to make potatoes. Other sources say that it was the English who came up with mashed potatoes and gravy, somewhere in the 1600's.
Instant mashed potatoes are potatoes that have been through an industrial process of cooking, mashing and dehydrating to yield a packaged convenience food that can be reconstituted in the home in seconds by adding hot water or milk, producing a close approximation of mashed potatoes with very little expenditure of time and effort. Apart from plain mashed potato, they are available in many different flavors, such as onion, chive, garlic, and butter. Instant mashed potatoes are occasionally packaged with instant gravy.
One tip keep mashed potatoes warm until served..
Set your bowl of potatoes over a pot of simmering water, just like a double boiler. Cover the top of the bowl with plastic wrap or (our choice) a dish towel. Give it a stir every 15 minutes or so to keep the mixture well heated.

Artisan bread is ..

Artisan bread is exactly what its name suggests: bread that is crafted, rather than mass produced. Baked in small batches rather than on a vast assembly line, artisan bread differs from prepackaged supermarket loaves in a number of ways. Special attention to ingredients, process, and a return to the fundamentals of the age-old bread-making tradition set artisan bread apart from soft, preservative-laden commercial breads.
But remember because artisan bread is made without chemical additives, it tends to have a much shorter shelf-life than the mass-produced prepackaged store-bought bread.


1 Boiled Potato mashed,
2 Tbsp Oats,
2 Tbsp Bread crumbs,
1 Tbsp Corn kernels boiled,
1 Tbsp Onion cut finely,
1 Tbsp Paneer grated,
1 Tbsp cheese grated,
1 Tbsp Coriander leaves cut finely,
1\2 or 1 Green chilly cut,
Also add Salt, Pepper powder, Powder Sugar, Chaat
masala, Red Chilly powder n Lime juice to taste.
Mix all well.
Give roll cylindrical shape n wet your hands dab on the
roll now coat in bread crumbs.
Fry in hot oil until crisp n golden brown..

Vermicelli, ....

Vermicelli, called she'reya in Arabic, is used in one of the most common ways of cooking rice in Egypt. The vermicelli is browned by frying with oil or butter, then rice and water are added.
In Somalia, it is used in a sweet dish called cadriyad. The vermicelli is browned by frying with butter, then water, sugar and cardamom are added until it has softened slightly. The dish is similar to the Indian kheer. However, no milk or cream is added. It is usually eaten as a dessert or as a side-dish with Somali spiced rice dishes.
Rice vermicelli are thin noodles made from rice and are a form of rice noodles. They are sometimes referred to as rice noodles or rice sticks. Rice vermicelli are a part of several Asian cuisines, where they are often eaten as part of a soup dish, stir fry, or salad.
In India and Pakistan 'Sawaeyaa' is a famous dish made from vermicelli cooked in milk sugar and dry nuts. It is eaten on Diwali, Eid, and other happy occasions in parts of India and Bangladesh.
Paayasam is a famous South Indian sweet dish made from vermicelli, sago, sugar, spices and nuts and milk. 
[ Payasam also known as kheer.]
Santhakai is a staple South Indian breakfast dish. [ 'Sevai or Shyavige or santhakai is a type of rice vermicelli popular in Southern India, particularly Tamil Nadu (Kongunadu region) and Karnataka. Santhakai is made out of other food grains like wheat, ragi, etc. also are increasingly becoming popular.] Sevai is called santhakai in the western parts of Tamil Nadu; it is called shavige in Kannada.

Salted Amlas.. RECIPE

Amla the fresh Indian Gooseberries ...
Salted Amlas..
8 - 10 Amlas,
water and salt. Wash the amlas properly then make slits 

on the lines that appear on the amla and put them in water 
in which enough salt has been added.
Keep covered and these will be ready in a day or two..


Remember to add lime juice and salt to retain its green color while grinding..
Even in green chutney add fresh coconut for taste n color.
Have u tried adding few ice cubes instead of water while grinding..
Try to freeze any excess green chutney in ice trays.


Fondue is a Swiss, French, and Italian dish of melted cheese served in a communal pot (caquelon) over a portable stove (réchaud), and eaten by dipping long-stemmed forks with bread into the cheese. It was promoted as a Swiss national dish by the Swiss Cheese Union (Schweizerische Käseunion) in the 1930s, and was popularized in North America in the 1960's. Since the 1950s, the name "fondue" has been generalized to other dishes in which a food is dipped into a communal pot of hot liquid: chocolate fondue, in which pieces of fruit are dipped into a melted chocolate mixture.
Cheese fondue consists of a blend of cheeses, wine and seasoning. To prepare the caquelon it is first rubbed with a cut garlic clove. White wine, cheese, and often kirsch are added and stirred until melted. A small amount of cornstarch or other starch is added to prevent separation. The mixture is stirred continuously as it heats in the caquelon.When it is ready, diners dip cubes of bread speared on a fondue fork into the mixture.
A tradition says that if a man loses his bread in the pot, he buys drinks all around, and if a woman does, she must kiss her neighbors.

Lemon curd is a ..

Lemon curd is a thick, soft and creamy, spreadable cream that has a wonderful tart yet sweet flavor. 
Lemon curd is very popular in California where it is usually made with Meyer lemons. A Meyer lemon is a cross between a lemon and a mandarin orange, and came from China in 1908. It was planted all across California, and chefs quickly fell in love with its sweet, complex flavors. While it's traditionally served as a topping for cakes, it's also wonderful spooned over a bowl of fresh berries.
Lemon curd is delicious, and so versatile. It can be made by gently cooking a mixture of fresh lemon juice, sugar, butter, and eggs until thickened, and this lemon curd is tasty on buttered toast.
Always remember choose lemons which look firm, plump, and heavy for their size. Try to use fresh lemons when making lemon curd.

Rajma is a popular North Indian ..

Rajma is a popular North Indian vegetarian dish consisting of red kidney beans in a thick gravy with lots of Indian whole spices and usually served with rice and roti. 
Although the kidney bean is not of Indian origin, it is a part of regular diet in northern regions Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Kashmir, Delhi, and Himachal Pradesh. This dish developed after the red kidney bean was brought to the Indian subcontinent from Central Mexico and Guatemala.
Kidney beans, also known as rajma, is a well known pulse that is extensively used all over the world in the preparation of variety of dishes, particularly in rice, curries, salads and toppings. Mexican foods that are popular all over the Globe. And kidney beans is the main component that is used in preparing the dishes. Tacos, Mexican chaat and Mexican Bean Hotpot are few famous dishes that are prepared using kidney beans or rajma.
The health benefits of kidney beans are Rajma boosts our energy as it is high in iron content. Rajma is a well known fiber rich pulse.
Kidney beans are a rich source of proteins. Kidney beans contain certain antioxidants. Kidney beans are a very good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber, as are most other beans. Also kidney beans can increase your energy by helping to replenish your iron stores.


1 Leeks, Scallions, Spring Onions and Fennel You can either use the white root end of a vegetable that you have already cut, or buy a handful of new vegetables to use specifically for growing.
Simply place the white root end in a glass jar with a little water, and leave it in a sunny position. I keep mine in the kitchen window. The green leafy part of the plant will continue to shoot. When it’s time to cook, just snip off what you need from the green growth
and leave the white root end in water to keep growing. Freshen up the water each week or so, and you’ll never have to buy them again.
2 Also Lemongrass grows just like any other grass. To propagate it, place the root end after you’ve cut the rest off n put in a glass jar with a little water, and leave it in a sunny position.
3 Similar to leeks, these vegetables like Celery, Bok Choi, Romaine Lettuce & Cabbage will re-grow from the white root end.
4 Ginger is very easy to re-grow. Simply plant a piece of ginger rhizome in a pot having soil with the newest n smallest buds facing upward. Ginger enjoys filtered, not direct, sunlight in a warm moist environment.
5 Pick a potato that has robust eyes, you can re-grow potatoes from any old potato that has ‘eyes’ growing on it.
6 You can re-grow a plant from just a single clove i.e just plant it, root-end down, in a warm position with plenty of direct sunlight. The garlic will root itself and produce new shoots.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Stout is a dark beer

Stout is a dark beer made using roasted malt or roasted barley, hops, water and yeast. A stout beer is a dark, sometimes bitter beer that was first commercially produced in the 1730's.
Stout beer is composed of barley and varied types of malt. Other variants may be made using oatmeal, which usually produces a sweeter beer.
Chocolate stout is a name brewers sometimes give to certain stouts having a noticeable dark chocolate flavor through the use of darker, more aromatic malt; particularly chocolate malt and a malt that has been roasted or kilned until it acquires a chocolate color.
Dark roasted malts, such as black patent malt (the darkest roast), can lend a bitter coffee flavor to dark beer.
Sweet Cream, sweet, or milk stout has an addition of lactose during the brewing process. The result is a much sweeter beer than its more bitter companions.

Rose flowers are used as food

Rose flowers are used as food, also usually as
flavoring or to add their scent to food.
Rose water is the hydrosol portion of the distillate of rose petals. Rose water, itself a by-product of the production of rose oil for use in perfume, is used to flavor food, as a component in some 
cosmetic and medical preparations, and for religious purposes throughout Europe and Asia. Rose syrup is made from rose water, with sugar added.
Since ancient times, the rose has been highly prized for its source of perfume, medicinal use and nutritional properties. In fact so much so that ancient Greeks, Romans placed as much importance on large public rose gardens as they did on wheat fields and fruit orchards.
Gulkand is a sweet preserve of rose petals. Gul means flower (Rose) and Kand means sweet (sugar). Gulkand is an Ayurvedic tonic and it is the most delicious Ayurvedic preparation known to mankind.

food quotes

When baking, follow directions. When cooking, go by your own taste. -Laiko Bahrs
All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.
-John Gunther
There is no love sincerer than the love of food.
-George Bernard Shaw
A recipe has no soul. You, as the cook, must bring soul to the recipe.
-Thomas Keller
Cookery is not chemistry. It is an art. It requires instinct and taste rather than exact measurements.
-Marcel Boulestin

Melting chocolate is . .

Melting chocolate is not the same as tempering chocolate, although melting is a necessary step in the tempering process.
Melting chocolate can be accomplished in a microwave or over a hot-water bath.
tip 1 The chocolate should be chopped into uniform pieces to ensure even melting. Never try to melt large bars or blocks of chocolate that have not been chopped.
tip 2
Avoid all contact with water.
tip 3
Melt the chocolate on low heat as Chocolate is very delicate.
The traditional method of melting chocolate is to use a double boiler. Where in Chocolate is placed in the top bowl and allowed to melt over gentle, indirect heat.


Melted chocolate 1 cup
Cut pieces of Almonds, Cashews and Raisins 1\4 cup
Temper the cooking chocolate by double boiler process...
When melts take off the heat and stir into it the cut 
dry fruits..
Set in molds or give rock form..
Put in fridge to set for 10 - 15 minutes..
Wrap in chocolate wrappers..

Free radicals are ..

Free radicals are atoms or molecules containing unpaired electrons.
Free radicals, also known simply as radicals, are organic molecules responsible for aging, tissue damage, and possibly some diseases. These molecules are very unstable, therefore they look to bond with other molecules, destroying their health and further continuing the damaging process. Antioxidants, present in many foods, are molecules that prevent free radicals from harming healthy tissue.
Radicals do play a key role in several biological processes. They play a part in the work of the white blood cells called phagocytes, which "eat" bacteria and other pathogens in the body. They also are believed to be involved in a process called redox signaling, where they are thought to act as cellular messengers.
What Are Free Radicals?
Free radicals are everywhere, in the air, our bodies, and the materials around us. They cause the deterioration of plastics, the fading of paint, the degradation of works of art, aging related illnesses, and can contribute to heart attacks, stroke and cancers.
Free radicals are molecules with unpaired electrons. In their quest to find another electron, they are very reactive and cause damage to surrounding molecules. However, free radicals are also useful because they help important reactions in our bodies take place.
The free radical theory of aging holds that the damage that these free radicals do to our cells, particularly the oxidative stress that oxygen-free radicals cause, could be why our bodies age. When we're young, our cells have a defense system known as superoxide dismutase (SOD) but as we get older, SOD doesn't work as well. That leaves the free radicals to have their way with our cells, and when the damage gets to be too much, the cells die and so do we.

If one believes that free radicals bring about aging and disease, then it stands to reason that we could live longer, healthier lives by either eliminating their presence altogether or by investing in mechanisms that will make them disappear. Because free radicals are a natural byproduct of numerous bodily functions, including breathing, the former is impossible. The main point of defense for many years has been antioxidants, so much so that we might as well retire the phrase "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" and consider something along the lines of "a lot of antioxidants keep free radicals away." Antioxidants, such as beta carotene and vitamins C and E, help to clean up and neutralize free radicals.

Momos are ...

Momos are originally the most sought after street food from Tibet or Nepal. It has its roots in China. It later became popular in other areas like Bhutan, Sikkim and other Himalayan states. 
Momos are a food from Tibet and Nepal. They are steamed or fried dumplings with a minced meat or vegetable filling. They are served piping hot, and are often enjoyed with a spicy tomato sauce.
Take the flour onto a large bowl n mix the flour and water very well by hand adding water until you get a ball of dough that sticks to itself, but not to your hand. Cover with a damp cloth or keep aside in a covered container for half an hour. .. allow to rest for few minutes.
Knead the dough until it is smooth. Roll the dough into a big round
and cut small rounds using a cookie cutter. These can be stuffed with a nice filling..

Mr. Potato Head is an American toy ...


Mr. Potato Head is an American toy ...
Mr. Potato Head's birthday was on May 1, 1952.
Mr. Potato Head: Mr Potato Head was invented in 1949 and began to be manufactured and sold by Hasbro in 1952.
Mr. Potato Head was was born in Rhode Island in 1952 and was the first toy to be advertised on television.
This simple toy consists of a plastic model of a potato which can be decorated with a variety of attachable plastic parts such as ears and eyes to make a face. Mrs Potato Head was added in 1953.
Mr. Potato Head was married in 1953 to Mrs. Potato Head.
Brother Spud and Sister Yam later completed the Potato Head family. Baby Potato Head was born in 1955.
In 1995, Mr Potato Head appeared in the Disney film Toy Story.

"the humble potato" or "the lowly potato" . . .

"the humble potato" or "the lowly potato" . . .

You’ll be amazed at the potato facts that we discovered! Inca Indians were the first to grow potatoes around 200 B.C. The potato was the first vegetable grown in space. Potatoes are high in sodium.
An average American downs 140 pounds of potatoes a year.The potato is a starchy, tuberous crop n the word may refer to the plant itself as well as the edible tuber. The potato is a relative of tobacco and the tomato. Potatoes were first cultivated nearly 7,000 years ago in Peru.While there are close to 4000 different varieties of potato, so the varieties are categorized into a few main groups, such as russets, reds, whites, yellows (also called Yukons) and purples based on common characteristics. The blue potato (or purple potato) originated in South America. It has purple skin and flesh, which becomes blue once cooked. They are also used as food for domestic animals.The potato is best known for its carbohydrate content also has vitamins, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc.Potato skins, along with honey, are a folk remedy for burns in India.Potatoes are prepared in many ways: skin-on or peeled, whole or cut up, with seasonings or without. In India, the most popular potato dishes are aloo ki sabzi, batata vada, and samosa, which is spicy mashed potato mixed with a small amount of vegetable stuffed in conical dough, and deep fried. Potatoes are also a major ingredient as fast food items, such as aloo chaat, where they are deep fried and served with chutney. In Northern India, alu dum and alu paratha are a favorite part of the diet; the first is a spicy curry of boiled potato, the second is a type of stuffed chapati. A dish called masala dosa from South India is very notable all over India. It is a thin pancake of rice and pulse paste rolled over spicy smashed potato and eaten with sambhar and chutney. Poori in south India in particular in Tamil Nadu is almost always taken with smashed potato masal. Other favorite dishes are alu tikki and pakoda items. Vada pav is a popular vegetarian fast food dish in Mumbai and other regions in the Maharashtra in India.Aloo posto a curry with potatoes and poppy seeds is immensely popular in East India, especially Bengal.Choose potatoes that feel firm and heavy, without any soft spots, sprouting eyes, or green discoloration.The potato is the fourth most important crop in the world after wheat, rice and corn.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


4 Cups Basmati long grain Rice cooked,
1 Cup Vegetable like Cabbage, Potato, Carrot, Beans,
Peas n any of your choice,
1\2 Cup Vegetables raw like Onion, Capsicum cut in square 
Make a paste..
4 -5 Whole Red chillies soaked in hot water,
A piece Ginger,
4 -5 Cloves,
A small piece Cinnamon,
1 -2 Cloves of Garlic opt.
Rest of the ingredients..
2 Tbsp Ghee,
2 - 3 Pinch Cumin seeds,
1 Bay leaf,
Masalas like Salt, Turmeric powder, Red chilly powder,
Garam masala, Powdered Sugar and Lime juice to taste.
Cook the rice and allow to cool, also fluff with a fork.
Put a big pan or kadai to heat add the ghee, bay leaf and
one table spoon of the paste.. [ store the rest in a container]
in the fridge.
Now in the kadai add the onions and capsicum.
Stir and sprinkle little salt later after few minutes add the boiled veggies and stir.
Now it is time to add the cooked rice and all masalas, lime juice..
Mix gently and cover and cook for few minutes.
Serve with a garnish of coriander leaves and fried cashew nuts..

China grass is another name for agar agar ..

China grass is another name for agar agar ..
Agar or agar-agar is a gelatinous substance derived by boiling.
Throughout history into modern times, agar has been chiefly used as an ingredient in desserts throughout Asia.
Agar (agar-agar) can be used as a laxative, a vegetarian gelatin substitute, a thickener for soups, in fruit preserves, ice cream, and other desserts, as a clarifying agent in brewing also.
The word "agar" comes from agar-agar, the Malay name for red algae from which the jelly is produced. It is also known as kanten, China grass, Japanese isinglass, Ceylon moss or Jaffna moss. Gracilaria lichenoides is specifically referred to as agal-agal or Ceylon agar.
Agar exhibits a melting at 85 °C | 185 °F and solidifying from 32-40 °C | 90-104 °F.
This property lends a suitable balance between easy melting and good gel stability at relatively high temperatures.
Agar-agar is a natural vegetable gelatin counterpart. White and semi-translucent, it is sold in packages as washed and dried strips or in powdered form. It can be used to make jellies, puddings, and custards. For making jelly, it is boiled in water until the solids dissolve. Sweetener, flavoring, coloring, fruit or vegetables are then added and the liquid is poured into molds to be served as desserts and vegetable aspics, or incorporated with other desserts, such as a jelly layer in a cake.
Agar-agar is approximately 80% fiber, so it can serve as an intestinal regulator.
One use of agar in Japanese cuisine is anmitsu, a dessert made of small cubes of agar jelly and served in a bowl with various fruits or other ingredients.

Mushrooms ...

Mushrooms themselves provide you with lean proteins as they have zero cholesterol, fats and very low carbohydrates. 
The fiber and certain enzymes in them also help lower cholesterol level. Moreover, the high lean protein content in mushrooms helps burn cholesterol when they are digested.
They have no fats, no cholesterol, very low carbohydrates, high proteins, vitamins and minerals, a lot of water and fiber. Moreover, they contain natural insulin and enzymes which help breaking down of sugar or starch of the food.
Mushrooms are the only vegetable and the second known source (after cod liver oil) to contain vitamin-D in edible form. They are rich in calcium (good for bones), iron (benefits in anemia), potassium (very good for lowering blood pressure), copper (anti bacterial) and selenium (very good for health of bones, teeth, nails, hair and as an anti oxidant). The best source of selenium is animal proteins. So, mushrooms can be the best choice for vegetarians to obtain selenium.

a healthy tip

Apples are one of the healthiest fruits you can eat. They are also low in calories.
Because apples are high in potassium, a mineral that helps control blood pressure,

they can help reduce the risk of stroke.

Soufflé a classic French dish ..

Soufflé a classic French dish .. [ picture for reference only]
The word Soufflé means "to blow up" or more loosely "puff up".
A soufflé is a lightly baked cake made with egg yolks and beaten egg whites combined with various other ingredients and served as a savory main dish or sweetened as a dessert.
Soufflés rise due to the eggs.
Every soufflé is made from two basic components:
a French crème pâtissière base/flavored cream sauce or purée
egg whites beaten to a soft peak meringue
The base provides the flavor and the whites provide the "lift". Foods commonly used for the base in a soufflé include cheese, jam, fruits, berries, chocolate, banana and lemon.
When it comes out of the oven, a soufflé should be puffed up and fluffy, and it will generally fall after 5 or 10 minutes.
A Ramekin, also known as a bouillon bowl, is a small glazed ceramic or glass serving bowl used for the preparation and serving of various food dishes. Ramekins are commonly used for serving a variety of dishes such as crème brûlée, French onion soup, molten chocolate cake, moin moin, cheese or egg dishes, poi, potted shrimps, ice cream, soufflé, baked cocottes, crumbles, or scallops, or used to serve side garnishes and condiments alongside an entree.
1 Remember adding a pinch of salt to the egg whites.
2 Best soufflés are made by folding stiffly whipped egg whites then baking until risen and feather-light.
3 Prepare the soufflé dish by greasing the inside well with soft, not melted, butter then Chill in the fridge to set the butter.
4 Week old eggs at room temperature will give you the most volume and therefore a lighter soufflé. Also very fresh egg whites do not whip up as well as older ones.
5 Try not to open the door while it's baking or it will be doomed.
So of greatest importance is serving the soufflé just as it comes out of the oven. Waiting will mean serving a flat soufflé.
The old adage, "The diner waits for the soufflé; the soufflé does not wait for the diner," is rule number one. So the finished dish must go directly from oven to table.

Rose flowers are used as food

Rose flowers are used as food, also usually as flavoring or to add their scent to food.
Rose water is the hydrosol portion of the distillate of rose petals. Rose water, itself a by-product of the production of rose oil for use in perfume, is used to flavor food, as a component in some 
cosmetic and medical preparations, and for religious purposes throughout Europe and Asia. Rose syrup is made from rose water, with sugar added.
Since ancient times, the rose has been highly prized for its source of perfume, medicinal use and nutritional properties. In fact so much so that ancient Greeks, Romans placed as much importance on large public rose gardens as they did on wheat fields and fruit orchards.
Gulkand is a sweet preserve of rose petals. Gul means flower (Rose) and Kand means sweet (sugar). Gulkand

is an Ayurvedic tonic and it is the most delicious Ayurvedic preparation known to mankind.

Stout is a dark beer

Stout is a dark beer made using roasted malt or roasted barley, hops, water and yeast. A stout beer is a dark, sometimes bitter beer that was first commercially produced in the 1730's.
Stout beer is composed of barley and varied types of malt. Other variants may be made using oatmeal, which usually produces a sweeter beer.
Chocolate stout is a name brewers sometimes give to certain stouts having a noticeable dark chocolate flavor through the use of darker, more aromatic malt; particularly chocolate malt and a malt that has been roasted or kilned until it acquires a chocolate color.
Dark roasted malts, such as black patent malt (the darkest roast), can lend a bitter coffee flavor to dark beer.
Sweet Cream, sweet, or milk stout has an addition of lactose during the brewing process. The result is a much sweeter beer than its more bitter companions.